Transfer of Logins from 2k to 2K8

  • Hi all,

    Is this feasible via the SSIS Transfer Logins task?? I've read a lot of articles talking about doing this scriptually instead, now I'd far rather have a simple solution that just works than go into the guts of the hashing/encryption between 2K5 and 2K8....

    The tool certainly looks promising, but if it's not going to work, I'd far rather it fail entirely rather than leave a bunch of logins I'll have to clean up manually, and how messy THAT could get with SID's and whatnot...



  • I have not tried this so cannot confirm it it works. Even if it does I can say it would randomize SQL authenticated passwords, so it would be of no use to you if you have any SQL Ids to transfer.

    I would use sp_help_revlogin, if you google that there is an 2000 to 2005 version on the MS site which would work for you.

    If you cannot find it here is the code

    --exec sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005 @login_name=NULL, @include_db=1, @include_role=1


    USE master


    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal


    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal

    @binvalue varbinary(256),

    @hexvalue varchar(256) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @charvalue varchar(256)

    DECLARE @i int

    DECLARE @length int

    DECLARE @hexstring char(16)

    SELECT @charvalue = '0x'

    SELECT @i = 1

    SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue)

    SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    WHILE (@i <= @length)


    DECLARE @tempint int

    DECLARE @firstint int

    DECLARE @secondint int

    SELECT @tempint = CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING(@binvalue,@i,1))

    SELECT @firstint = FLOOR(@tempint/16)

    SELECT @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)

    SELECT @charvalue = @charvalue +

    SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +

    SUBSTRING(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)

    SELECT @i = @i + 1


    SELECT @hexvalue = @charvalue


    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005


    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005

    @login_name sysname = NULL,

    @include_db bit = 1,

    @include_role bit = 1


    DECLARE @name sysname

    DECLARE @xstatus int

    DECLARE @binpwd varbinary (256)

    DECLARE @dfltdb varchar (256)

    DECLARE @txtpwd sysname

    DECLARE @tmpstr varchar (256)

    DECLARE @SID_varbinary varbinary(85)

    DECLARE @SID_string varchar(256)

    IF (@login_name IS NULL)


    SELECT sid, [name], xstatus, password, isnull(db_name(dbid), 'master')

    FROM master.dbo.sysxlogins


    [name] <> 'sa'


    DECLARE login_curs CURSOR FOR

    SELECT sid, [name], xstatus, password, isnull(db_name(dbid), 'master')

    FROM master.dbo.sysxlogins


    [name] = @login_name

    OPEN login_curs

    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb

    IF (@@fetch_status = -1)


    PRINT 'No login(s) found.'

    CLOSE login_curs

    DEALLOCATE login_curs

    RETURN -1


    SET @tmpstr = '/* sp_help_revlogin script '

    PRINT @tmpstr

    SET @tmpstr = '** Generated '

    + CONVERT (varchar, GETDATE()) + ' on ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' */'

    PRINT @tmpstr

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT '/***** CREATE LOGINS *****/'

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    PRINT ''

    SET @tmpstr = '-- Login: ' + @name

    PRINT @tmpstr

    IF (@xstatus & 4) = 4

    BEGIN -- NT authenticated account/group

    IF (@xstatus & 1) = 1

    BEGIN -- NT login is denied access

    SET @tmpstr = '' --'EXEC master..sp_denylogin ''' + @name + ''''

    PRINT @tmpstr



    BEGIN -- NT login has access

    SET @tmpstr = 'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE [name] = ''' + @name + ''')'

    PRINT @tmpstr

    SET @tmpstr = CHAR(9) + 'CREATE LOGIN [' + @name + '] FROM WINDOWS'

    PRINT @tmpstr




    BEGIN -- SQL Server authentication

    EXEC sp_hexadecimal @SID_varbinary, @SID_string OUT

    IF (@binpwd IS NOT NULL)

    BEGIN -- Non-null password

    EXEC sp_hexadecimal @binpwd, @txtpwd OUT

    SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN [' + @name + '] WITH PASSWORD=' + @txtpwd + ' HASHED'



    BEGIN -- Null password

    SET @tmpstr = 'CREATE LOGIN [' + @name + '] WITH PASSWORD='''''


    SET @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', CHECK_POLICY=OFF, SID=' + @SID_string

    PRINT @tmpstr


    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb


    IF @include_db = 1


    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''


    FETCH FIRST FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    PRINT ''

    SET @tmpstr = '-- Login: ' + @name

    PRINT @tmpstr

    SET @tmpstr = 'ALTER LOGIN [' + @name + '] WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[' + @dfltdb + ']'

    PRINT @tmpstr

    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb



    IF @include_role = 1


    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT ''

    PRINT '/***** SET SERVER ROLES *****/'

    FETCH FIRST FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    PRINT ''

    SET @tmpstr = '-- Login: ' + @name

    PRINT @tmpstr

    IF @xstatus &16 = 16 -- sysadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''sysadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &32 = 32 -- securityadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''securityadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &64 = 64 -- serveradmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''serveradmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &128 = 128 -- setupadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''setupadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &256 = 256 --processadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''processadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &512 = 512 -- diskadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''diskadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &1024 = 1024 -- dbcreator


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''dbcreator'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    IF @xstatus &4096 = 4096 -- bulkadmin


    SET @tmpstr = 'exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=''' + @name + ''', @rolename=''bulkadmin'''

    PRINT @tmpstr


    FETCH NEXT FROM login_curs INTO @SID_varbinary, @name, @xstatus, @binpwd, @dfltdb



    CLOSE login_curs

    DEALLOCATE login_curs

    RETURN 0



  • Yes you can do it by SSIS and with script too refer following link for script:

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • george sibbald (4/9/2014)

    I have not tried this so cannot confirm it it works. Even if it does I can say it would randomize SQL authenticated passwords, so it would be of no use to you if you have any SQL Ids to transfer.

    I would use sp_help_revlogin, if you google that there is an 2000 to 2005 version on the MS site which would work for you.

    If you cannot find it here is the code

    --exec sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005 @login_name=NULL, @include_db=1, @include_role=1


    USE master


    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal


    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal

    @binvalue varbinary(256),

    @hexvalue varchar(256) OUTPUT


    DECLARE @charvalue varchar(256)

    DECLARE @i int

    DECLARE @length int

    DECLARE @hexstring char(16)

    SELECT @charvalue = '0x'

    SELECT @i = 1

    SELECT @length = DATALENGTH (@binvalue)

    SELECT @hexstring = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    WHILE (@i <= @length)



    Ok, let me get this straight...

    1) Use the above code to output the logins/sids/pwords;

    2) Use some other code to restore them onto a 2K5 box

    3) Use some other code to output the logins/sids/pwords;

    4) Use some other code to restore them onto the final 2K8 box.

    Is that about right?

    Also, by 'SQL" id's do you mean Database users, or windows logins that are also authenticated by SQL (or both!) ?

  • your question said transfer from sql2000 (2K) to sql2008 (2K8), is that correct?

    SQL IDs are logins authenticated by SQL, i.e. you enter an ID and a password, rather than windows authenticated logins where you just pass your domain ID credentials - so your instance is running in mixed mode.


  • Jake Shelton (4/9/2014)

    Hi all,

    Is this feasible via the SSIS Transfer Logins task?? I've read a lot of articles talking about doing this scriptually instead, now I'd far rather have a simple solution that just works than go into the guts of the hashing/encryption between 2K5 and 2K8....

    The tool certainly looks promising, but if it's not going to work, I'd far rather it fail entirely rather than leave a bunch of logins I'll have to clean up manually, and how messy THAT could get with SID's and whatnot...



    I tend to use my own script, it doesnt catch the logins roles but it will script the SID and hashed password

    SELECT'CREATE LOGIN [' + name + '] WITH PASSWORD = ' +

    sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) +

    ' HASHED, SID = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) +

    ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + QUOTENAME(default_database_name) +

    ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + default_language_name +



    WHEN is_expiration_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    ', CHECK_POLICY = ' +


    WHEN is_policy_checked = 0 THEN 'OFF'

    ELSE 'ON'

    END +

    CASE is_disabled

    WHEN 0 THEN ''

    ELSE '; ALTER LOGIN [' + name + '][ DISABLE;'


    FROM master.sys.sql_logins

    WHERE name not like '##%' and name <> 'sa'


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Jake Shelton (4/9/2014)

    Hi all,

    Is this feasible via the SSIS Transfer Logins task?? I've read a lot of articles talking about doing this scriptually instead, now I'd far rather have a simple solution that just works than go into the guts of the hashing/encryption between 2K5 and 2K8....

    The tool certainly looks promising, but if it's not going to work, I'd far rather it fail entirely rather than leave a bunch of logins I'll have to clean up manually, and how messy THAT could get with SID's and whatnot...



    Don't rely on SSIS. Use this instead (Method 2).

    This doen't transfer Server roles. You need to check that manually.



  • george sibbald (4/9/2014)

    your question said transfer from sql2000 (2K) to sql2008 (2K8), is that correct?

    SQL IDs are logins authenticated by SQL, i.e. you enter an ID and a password, rather than windows authenticated logins where you just pass your domain ID credentials - so your instance is running in mixed mode.

    Yep, the migration is from 2000 to 2008, and we are indeed running mixed mode. My question is whether I need to move the logins to a 2k5 box as an interim step before relocating again to 2008.

  • Jake Shelton (4/10/2014)

    george sibbald (4/9/2014)

    your question said transfer from sql2000 (2K) to sql2008 (2K8), is that correct?

    SQL IDs are logins authenticated by SQL, i.e. you enter an ID and a password, rather than windows authenticated logins where you just pass your domain ID credentials - so your instance is running in mixed mode.

    Yep, the migration is from 2000 to 2008, and we are indeed running mixed mode. My question is whether I need to move the logins to a 2k5 box as an interim step before relocating again to 2008.

    then you need the sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005 specifically that I posted (its the method2 in the link sqlbuddy referred to). SQL2005 and 2008 did not change so you can use this to go direct to 2008, you do not need an intermediate step.

    run the code, copy the results over to your destination server, copy into SSMS and run in the logins you need. I presume this is a one off operation so no need to automate.

    All you will be missing then potentially is any server roles and the default language setting. These two bits of code run on the SQL2000 server will reverse engineer those for you.

    set quoted_identifier off

    set nocount on

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where sysadmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where securityadmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where serveradmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where setupadmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where processadmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where diskadmin = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where dbcreator = 1

    union all

    select 'exec sp_addsrvrolemember ' +"'" +loginname +"',"


    from syslogins where bulkadmin = 1

    set quoted_identifier off

    select 'exec sp_defaultlanguage ',+"'" +loginname +"'," +language from syslogins


  • Jake Shelton (4/10/2014)

    My question is whether I need to move the logins to a 2k5 box as an interim step before relocating again to 2008.

    No you don't and if youre not concerned with server roles my script is perfect


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (4/10/2014)

    Jake Shelton (4/10/2014)

    My question is whether I need to move the logins to a 2k5 box as an interim step before relocating again to 2008.

    No you don't and if youre not concerned with server roles my script is perfect

    One thing I like about Perry's script is exclusion of '##%' and 'SA'. You might face some issue if you execute this script for 'SA' password will change to from where you have copied the login. And what if you forget to change?

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Perry Whittle (4/10/2014)

    Jake Shelton (4/10/2014)

    My question is whether I need to move the logins to a 2k5 box as an interim step before relocating again to 2008.

    No you don't and if youre not concerned with server roles my script is perfect

    It may well be, but I possibly neglected to mention that I need the passwords to be ported across too...if memory serves, without the 2K5 step, the hashing will fail as it has changed base algorithm between 2000 and 2005.

  • Jake, the sp_help_revlogin will bring passwords across. straight to 2008. I have done it myself many times.

    Perry, master.sys.sql_logins is not available in SQL2000 so Jake will not be able to reverse engineer his login details with your script.


  • Jake Shelton (4/10/2014)

    if memory serves, without the 2K5 step, the hashing will fail as it has changed base algorithm between 2000 and 2005.

    Step not required. The algorithm between 2008 and 2012 has changed.

    george sibbald (4/10/2014)

    Jake, the sp_help_revlogin will bring passwords across. straight to 2008. I have done it myself many times.

    Perry, master.sys.sql_logins is not available in SQL2000 so Jake will not be able to reverse engineer his login details with your script.

    My bad, this is the correct script for SQL2000

    SELECT'CREATE LOGIN [' + name + '] WITH PASSWORD = ' +

    dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) +

    ' HASHED, SID = ' + dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) +


    ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + language +

    '; ALTER LOGIN [' + name + '] DISABLE;'

    FROM master.dbo.sysxlogins

    WHERE name <> 'sa' AND password IS NOT NULL


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • george sibbald (4/10/2014)

    Jake, the sp_help_revlogin will bring passwords across. straight to 2008. I have done it myself many times.

    Perry, master.sys.sql_logins is not available in SQL2000 so Jake will not be able to reverse engineer his login details with your script.

    Worked great, thanks!!

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