SQLSTATE 42000 error 22029 during backup transaction log

  • Hi,

    We use sql server 2005.

    Our "transaction log backup" job shows us this error:

    "sqlmaint.exe error. SQLSTATE 42000 error 22029"

    But the transaction log backup was created successfuly and we have no error in "SQL Server error logs".

    Also we can see in the backup directory than the transaction log backup file is created.

    But, the deletion of expired transaction log backup is not working because we have transaction log backup older than 2 days.

    So it's look like the transaction log backup run fine and the deletion of expired transaction log do not run fine

    In the job, the command launched is this:

    @command=N'EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N''-PlanID 1F2E5C91-6A3C-4A2C-B18A-282B375EFAEF -WriteHistory -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog "C:\Backup_SQL" -DelBkUps 2DAYS -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "TRN"''',

    Do you have an idea why the deletion of expired transaction log do not work ?

    This event seems to be occured since we have a lack of space on our backup disk. But now, a lot of space is available.



  • Many people face this issue including myself. The issue would be with the Maintenance JOB creation. Check in delete backup location and extention of file should be trn


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