Daily SSRS Reports

  • So I have a report on SSRS were the parameter is the Job Number, and when you put it in it will give you that specific Jobs Actuals (Were the cost on that job is relative to the Budget). I have a email subscription to my email address. Then We then have rule in MS Outlook that downloads the pdf to a folder. After that I have a FTP scheduler that uploads all of the Job Reports pdf to our FTP server.

    Now this is becoming extremely unmanageable as new jobs opened up I need to go through this whole process every time. And its not even possible to stop the subscription when the Job is closed because the Subscription page doesn't have the Job name in the title of the subscription so I have to go into every subscription and keep looking until I find the subscription for that job.

    There has to be a better way to do this...

  • You might be able to condense a couple of steps by changing the subscription to Windows File Share output instead of email. You can specify the folder you're currently putting the pdf in manually, and then the FTP job can pick it up from there.

  • I was going to but still all the subscriptions and the disabling them when the job is finished is still extremely stupid, since the description of the subscription just shows were it goes and not what Job number it is(essentially the value that is in the parameter)

  • npatel - If you use doug's suggestion to go with Windows File Share, and assuming you're creating the subscriptions, when you name the "File Name" use the job name (#) as the file name (assuming you don't already have naming conventions that can't be changed). This shows the file name in the description of the subscription, if you're managing subscriptions through the web. Makes it a little easier to quickly browse or do a find for the actual job number.

    You end up with a description of "Save in \\[FTP Server]\[Job Folder] as [Job #]"

    Depending on your file structures, you may be able to cut out outlook and the FTP scheduler by referencing the FTP server for the path to save the report.


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