ssis package from one sytsem to another

  • hi i created on e simple ssis package i used xml configuration

    and deployed it

    now i moved the deployed .dtsx or package to another system and tried to edit the config file

    but its showing error connection problem

    while executing the package is searching the files in first computer where it deployed

    cant i create .dtsx file and move it to other pc and execute it ?

  • How did you try to modify the config file?

    Through the package configurations?

    The location of the XML config file is hardcoded into the package, for example C:\Configs\MyConfigFile.dtsconfig.

    On the other machine, the folder C:\Configs\ has to exist as well.

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  • actually i deployed the package and tried to change xml but there is no xml .config in c

    how to move that one

  • Copy paste should do it.

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  • i did same thing copied everything .

    started the package edited the source in connection string in config file

    while running no error is about source connection string

    but destination connection login failed ...error is coming

    but password is correct

    i didn't taken destination connection string in XML configuration

  • What is the error?

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  • So it's clear.. it has not problem with your config because source connection is working fine.

    Open the package and just do the test connection on destination connection manager with your password if you are using sql authendication

  • ya when opend the package

    destination was showing error then

    i edited it

    after i started ssis package no error was their

    but i dont want do do like that


    i just want to run the .stsx file using config and it shoul run fine without oening the package

    how to do that why destination connection showing error

  • I don't think without modifying the package you could run it successfully.

    Source connection: - Which you are passing from config that you supplied at run time.. it is working fine

    Destination connection: - This connection value is there in package so without correcting it how will it correct at run time because destination connection is not there in package config.

  • super48 (2/26/2014)

    i didn't taken destination connection string in XML configuration

    Any specific reason you did not include it in the configuration?

    What is the protection level of the package?

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • hi added destination conection ya everything is fine thank you all

  • thanks al i added destination config and i copied the ssis file its running fine

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