Create Table Generates Msg 0

  • I get this error when creating a table using 'AS CASE WHEN':

    Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0

    A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

    Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

    A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

    When I remove the line marked below (containing 'AS CASE WHEN'), the table adds fine.

    use CompanyData;


    CREATE TABLE Company


    companyIDintNOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),

    recnumintNOT NULL,

    nameFormalnvarchar(100)NOT NULL,



    sourceRefnvarchar(100)NOT NULL,


    createdBynvarchar(3)NOT NULL,

    createdDatedateNOT NULL,


    emfValidThisCompanychar(1)NOT NULL CHECK (emfValidThisCompany IN('Y', 'N')),

    nameInternal AS LOWER(nameFormal),

    => nameInternal AS CASE WHEN nameFormal LIKE 'the %' THEN SUBSTRING(nameFormal,1,LEN(nameFormal)-4) ELSE nameFormal END

    PRIMARY KEY(companyID)


  • you are using invalid sintax. Try:

    CREATE TABLE #Company(companyIDintNOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)

    ,recnumintNOT NULL

    ,nameFormalnvarchar(100)NOT NULL



    ,sourceRefnvarchar(100)NOT NULL


    ,createdBynvarchar(3)NOT NULL

    ,createdDatedateNOT NULL


    ,emfValidThisCompanychar(1)NOT NULL CHECK (emfValidThisCompany IN('Y', 'N'))

    ,nameInternal AS LOWER(CASE WHEN nameFormal LIKE 'the %' THEN SUBSTRING(nameFormal,1,LEN(nameFormal)-4) ELSE nameFormal END)

    PRIMARY KEY(companyID)


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  • Thanks very much for your help! What's the # symbol next to the table name mean?

  • All the hash means is the table scope. A has means the table would only be available to the session that created it so its a temporary table.

  • Got it. Thanks guys for your help.

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