using join in PIVOT

  • Hi below is sample data for my issue.

    with data as (

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount )

    SELECT * from

    ( SELECT name,

    [datareceived] ,recordscount

    FROM data

    where DATEPART(MM, datareceived) = (8) and DATEPART(yy, datareceived) = STR(2013)


    as p PIVOT ( max([recordscount]) FOR [datareceived]

    IN ([2013-08-01],[2013-08-02],[2013-08-03],[2013-08-04],[2013-08-05],[2013-08-06],[2013-08-07],[2013-08-08],[2013-08-09],[2013-08-10],[2013-08-11],[2013-08-12],[2013-08-13],[2013-08-14],[2013-08-15],[2013-08-16],[2013-08-17],[2013-08-18],[2013-08-19],[2013-08-20],[2013-08-21],[2013-08-22],[2013-08-23],[2013-08-24],[2013-08-25],[2013-08-26],[2013-08-27],[2013-08-28],[2013-08-29],[2013-08-30],[2013-08-31])) AS pvt ;

    the above query i tried to print from my original script.

    Here is my original script:

    declare @month int = 8

    declare @year int = 2013

    declare @cols nvarchar(4000);

    DECLARE @Query nvarchar(4000);

    with data as (

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount )

    select @cols = Records.Output from (


    STUFF(DateString, 1, 1, '') as Output




    ',[' + + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), (DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEADD(MONTH, @Month - 1, DATEADD(YEAR, @Year - 1900, '19000101')))), 121) + ']'




    type = 'P'


    DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEADD(MONTH, 8 - 1, DATEADD(YEAR, @Year - 1900, '19000101')))


    DATEADD(MONTH, 1, (DATEADD(MONTH, @Month - 1, DATEADD(YEAR, @Year - 1900, '19000101'))))


    DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEADD(MONTH, @Month - 1, DATEADD(YEAR, @Year - 1900, '19000101')))

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ) AS T(DateString) ) Records

    set @Query = 'SELECT * from

    ( SELECT name as [Company Name],

    [datareceived] ,recordscount

    FROM data

    where DATEPART(MM, datareceived) = ('+STR(@Month)+') and DATEPART(yy, datareceived) = STR('+str(@Year)+')


    as p PIVOT ( max([recordscount]) FOR [datareceived]

    IN ('+ @cols+')) AS pvt';

    exec @Query;

    with company as (

    select 'microsoft' as Name, 15 as daysinlate union all

    select 'nokia' as name, 10 as daysinlate union all

    select 'Google' as name, 13 as daysinlate)

    select * from company;

    if you execute the ready made query which is my first code block it will execute fine and after 2013-08-11 the recordscount values will null on the output.

    my requirement is i need to get the daysinlate from table company based on the name and check for the null columns and get the column value and add as days and display the value.

    I know i am little confused. as i said earlier after 2013-08-11 the recordscount values are null on the output of my query.

    so my required out put is for 2013-08-12 the value is "2013-08-27" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    for 2013-08-13 the value is "2013-08-28" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    for 2013-08-14 the value is "2013-08-29" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    for 2013-08-15 the value is "2013-08-30" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    for 2013-08-16 the value is "2013-08-31" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    sample required output:


    microsoft10001001100210031005100510061007100410331020 2013-08-27 2013-08-282013-08-29 2013-08-302013-08-31 NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL

    like that have to apply adding days as formula whichever the values having null.

    how to achieve this . any help

  • if you execute the ready made query which is my first code block it will execute fine and after 2013-08-11 the recordscount values will null on the output.

    my requirement is i need to get the daysinlate from table company based on the name and check for the null columns and get the column value and add as days and display the value.

    I know i am little confused. as i said earlier after 2013-08-11 the recordscount values are null on the output of my query.

    Nice job posting ddl and sample data. Of course your columns are NULL after 8/11. You don't have any data after that "date".

    Can you explain what you want the output to be when there is no data to use?

    You might also consider using a cross tab instead of a pivot. I find it a lot easier to work with and often faster than a PIVOT. You could also leverage a tally table so you don't have to hard code a whole months worth of data.


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  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your reply.

    If the value is null then get the column form the pivot which is date and get the "daysinlate" data from table compaany based on the date and add the "daysinlate" data to the date colun of the pivot and display instead of null value.

    ex :

    on 2013-08-12 the value should be as "2013-08-27" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    select daysinlate from company which is 15 so add 15 days of column(2013-08-12 + 15) which is 2013-08-27 on the row.

    am i explaining clear?

  • born2achieve (2/14/2014)

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your reply.

    If the value is null then get the column form the pivot which is date and get the "daysinlate" data from table compaany based on the date and add the "daysinlate" data to the date colun of the pivot and display instead of null value.

    ex :

    on 2013-08-12 the value should be as "2013-08-27" = (2013-08-12 + 15 days)

    select daysinlate from company which is 15 so add 15 days of column(2013-08-12 + 15) which is 2013-08-27 on the row.

    am i explaining clear?

    So if there is no value you want to instead count the number of days since there was a value? I don't understand what you want for output. It seems you want a value in the 2013-08-27 column? What value would it be? And it shows up in that column because that is the value of daysinlate? What happens if the calculation takes you past the end of reported data?


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  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your time on this. please execute the below query and please take a look at column(2013-08-12) the value is null.

    I need to join the table data with company on( = and get the value of daysinlate

    as per my sample data the value is : 15 (consider 15 as 15days)

    on the column(2013-08-12) intead of null i need to dispaly (2013-08-12 + 15 days = 2013-08-27). So the output would be

    2013-08-11 2013-08-12 2013-08-13 2013-08-14 2013-08-15

    1020 2013-08-27 2013-08-28 2013-08-29 2013-08-30

    as like the calculation will go on.

    with data as (

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount )

    SELECT * from

    ( SELECT name,

    [datareceived] ,recordscount

    FROM data

    where DATEPART(MM, datareceived) = (8) and DATEPART(yy, datareceived) = STR(2013)


    as p PIVOT ( max([recordscount]) FOR [datareceived]

    IN ([2013-08-01],[2013-08-02],[2013-08-03],[2013-08-04],[2013-08-05],[2013-08-06],[2013-08-07],[2013-08-08],[2013-08-09],[2013-08-10],[2013-08-11],[2013-08-12],[2013-08-13],[2013-08-14],[2013-08-15],[2013-08-16],[2013-08-17],[2013-08-18],[2013-08-19],[2013-08-20],[2013-08-21],[2013-08-22],[2013-08-23],[2013-08-24],[2013-08-25],[2013-08-26],[2013-08-27],[2013-08-28],[2013-08-29],[2013-08-30],[2013-08-31])) AS pvt ;

    am i clear you now?

  • Please run this script to know the my desired output,

    select 1000 as '2013-08-01', 1001 as '2013-08-02', 1002 as '2013-08-03', 1003 as '2013-08-04',1005 as '2013-08-05',1005 as '2013-08-06',

    1006 as '2013-08-07',1007 as '2013-08-08',1004 as '2013-08-08',1033 as '2013-08-08',

    1020 as '2013-08-11','2013-08-27' as '2013-08-12', '2013-08-28' as '2013-08-13', '2013-08-29' as '2013-08-14','2013-08-30' as '2013-08-15'

    ,'2013-08-31' as '2013-08-16', '2013-09-01' as '2013-08-17', '2013-09-02' as '2013-08-17','2013-09-03' as '2013-08-17'

    formula : column value as date + 15 days

  • Is all of your data actually text? This is a very strange requirement to say the least.


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  • yes, all my output data can be text. any help please

  • born2achieve (2/14/2014)

    yes, all my output data can be text. any help please

    I was hoping you would say no. It is much easier to do date math with actual dates.

    I know this isn't a complete solution but here is a way to get most of it by using a tally table. You can read about tally tables here.[/url]

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#company') is not null

    drop table #company

    create table #company


    Name varchar(20),

    DaysInLate int


    insert #company

    select 'microsoft' as Name, 15 as daysinlate union all

    select 'nokia' as name, 10 as daysinlate union all

    select 'Google' as name, 13 as daysinlate

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#data') is not null

    drop table #data

    create table #data


    Name varchar(20),

    DataReceived datetime,

    RecordsCount int


    insert #data

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount;


    with MyDates as


    select N, DATEADD(DAY, N - 1, '2013-08-01') as MyDate

    from tally t

    where t.N <= 31


    select *, case when DataReceived IS not null then DataReceived else (select top 1 DATEADD(DAY, c.DaysInLate, md.MyDate) from #data d2 join #company c on d2.Name = c.Name where c.Name = 'microsoft') end as MyNewValue

    from MyDates md

    left join #data d on d.DataReceived = md.MyDate


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Hi Sean,

    Thank you and if i execute the script i ma getting error as below. would like to anything wrong from my side

    (3 row(s) affected)

    (11 row(s) affected)

    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 40

    Invalid object name 'tally'.

  • if am not wrong that i need to create tally table?

  • You're right. You need to create a tally or numbers table.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • born2achieve (2/14/2014)

    if am not wrong that i need to create tally table?

    Yes. The article I referenced will explain not only how to build one but also how to use one. It will completely change the way you look at data.

    I actually have mine as a view instead of a permanent table. It is super duper fast and generates zero reads.

    create View [dbo].[Tally] as


    E1(N) AS (select 1 from (values (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))dt(n)),

    E2(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b), --10E+2 or 100 rows

    E4(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E2 a, E2 b), --10E+4 or 10,000 rows max

    cteTally(N) AS




    select N from cteTally


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Thank you Luis and Sean.

    Here is my try

    use tempdb;

    set nocount on;

    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.TallyTable') is not null drop table dbo.TallyTable


    select top 100 IDENTITY(int,1,1) as ID

    into dbo.TallyTable from master.dbo.syscolumns

    alter table dbo.TallyTable add constraint pk_tallytableId primary key clustered(ID)


    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#company') is not null

    drop table #company

    create table #company


    Name varchar(20),

    DaysInLate int


    insert #company

    select 'microsoft' as Name, 15 as daysinlate union all

    select 'nokia' as name, 10 as daysinlate union all

    select 'Google' as name, 13 as daysinlate

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#data') is not null

    drop table #data

    create table #data


    Name varchar(20),

    DataReceived datetime,

    RecordsCount int


    insert #data

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-01' as datareceived, 1000 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-02' as datareceived, 1001 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-03' as datareceived, 1002 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-04' as datareceived, 1003 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-05' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-06' as datareceived, 1005 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-07' as datareceived, 1006 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-08' as datareceived, 1007 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-09' as datareceived, 1004 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-10' as datareceived, 1033 as recordscount union all

    select 'microsoft' as Name, '2013-08-11' as datareceived, 1020 as recordscount;

    with MyDates as


    select ID, DATEADD(DAY, ID - 1, '2013-08-01') as MyDate

    from dbo.TallyTable t

    where t.ID <= 31


    select *, case when DataReceived IS not null then DataReceived else (select top 1 DATEADD(DAY, c.DaysInLate, md.MyDate) from #data d2 join #company c on d2.Name = c.Name where c.Name = 'microsoft') end as MyNewValue

    from MyDates md

    left join #data d on d.DataReceived = md.MyDate

    the "MyNewValue" data has to come in the place of null on recordscount column

    also i need the output as pivotized. any help please

    also am confused about the result as my expected results was column should be as dates and row as recordscount and if recordcount is null then whatever we discussed about applying the formula to bring the dates

  • Here is my next level of try

    select name,case when DataReceived IS not null then RecordsCount

    else (select top 1 DATEADD(DAY, c.DaysInLate, md.MyDate) from #data d2 join #company c on d2.Name = c.Name where c.Name = 'microsoft') end as MyNewValue

    from MyDates md

    left join #data d on d.DataReceived = md.MyDate

    from your query the exptected output has to be below,

    microsoft2013-08-01 00:00:00.0001000

    microsoft2013-08-02 00:00:00.0001001

    microsoft2013-08-03 00:00:00.0001002

    microsoft2013-08-04 00:00:00.0001003

    microsoft2013-08-05 00:00:00.0001005

    microsoft2013-08-06 00:00:00.0001005

    microsoft2013-08-07 00:00:00.0001006

    microsoft2013-08-08 00:00:00.0001007

    microsoft2013-08-09 00:00:00.0001004

    microsoft2013-08-10 00:00:00.0001033

    microsoft2013-08-11 00:00:00.0001020

    NULL2013-08-12 00:00:00.0002013-08-27 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-13 00:00:00.0002013-08-28 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-14 00:00:00.0002013-08-29 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-15 00:00:00.0002013-08-30 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-16 00:00:00.0002013-08-31 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-17 00:00:00.0002013-09-01 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-18 00:00:00.0002013-09-02 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-19 00:00:00.0002013-09-03 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-20 00:00:00.0002013-09-04 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-21 00:00:00.0002013-09-05 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-22 00:00:00.0002013-09-06 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-23 00:00:00.0002013-09-07 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-24 00:00:00.0002013-09-08 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-25 00:00:00.0002013-09-09 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-26 00:00:00.0002013-09-10 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-27 00:00:00.0002013-09-11 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-28 00:00:00.0002013-09-12 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-29 00:00:00.0002013-09-13 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-30 00:00:00.0002013-09-14 00:00:00.000

    NULL2013-08-31 00:00:00.0002013-09-15 00:00:00.000

    but it's not happening. please help me on this. after getting the above result then have to make the pivot for final result

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