sp_send_dbmail Won't fire off email within SQL Agent

  • I can run the t-sql statement in management studio and I receive an email as expected using sp_send_dbmail

    I cannot get sp_send_dbmail to work within a job. Notification emails are working within jobs so I am certain email is working to that extent.

    I have changed the job owner to the account that is running SQL Server Agent and the account has sysadmin privileges.

    I am running out of things to check.

    Any suggestions?

  • Are you using dbmail inside job step and checking?

    if it is can u post the code you are checking(after masking).

    Durai Nagarajan

  • You've not given us any code, but is the email portion of your job a step of it's own? If so, do you have the database set to MSDB?

  • Hi,

    Verify that you have enabled mail profile on the Alert System. This is on SQL Agent properties.


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