SharePoint Integrated Mode - Where can I find what reports are associated with which shared schedule(s)?

  • One would think this is fairly simple. All I want is to find out in SharePoint running SSRS 2008 R2 (Integrated Mode) what reports are associated with which shared schedules?

    I have searched this forum SQL Server Central, and Google; till I am literally nauseated and ready to throw my monitor out of a window. All I can find is queries like I have at the bottom; or instructions (not helpful at all btw) on how to view where the shared schedules are; or get the Guid from the Sql Server Agent Job Activity Monitor and helplessly match it up with the schedule on the "Manage Shared Schedules" screen. However, NONE of these options tell me WHAT report is on WHICH schedule. SharePoint Integrated mode has been such a pain in the general gluteaus maximus that I will NEVER recommend it to ANYONE ever and this is just one of many simple tasks that take an entire afternoon when dealing with more than a dozen reports.

    In the SSRS Native Mode, all you do is go to Site Settings > Schedules click on a schedule and then click Reports and TAH DAH a freakin list. Please someone save my sanity and tell me how to do this in Integrated Mode, so I can get us back to Native and leave this backwards, overly complicated, poorly designed, poorly documented, poorly executed piece of flotsam off my network.

    Thanks 🙂




    Schedule.ScheduleID AS SQLAgent_Job_Name, Subscriptions.Description AS sub_desc, Subscriptions.DeliveryExtension AS sub_delExt,

    [Catalog].Name AS ReportName, [Catalog].Path AS ReportPath, StartDate,NextRunTime,Schedule.LastRunTime,EndDate,Schedule.EventType,ExtensionSettings,Subscriptions.Description,LastStatus

    FROM ReportSchedule

    INNER JOIN Schedule

    ON ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = Schedule.ScheduleID

    INNER JOIN Subscriptions

    ON ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = Subscriptions.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN [Catalog]

    ON ReportSchedule.ReportID = [Catalog].ItemID AND Subscriptions.Report_OID = [Catalog].ItemID



    Like '%blahblahblah%' --use to find who is on the to to,cc,bcc field settings



    Schedule.LastRunTime DESC




    Schedule.ScheduleID AS SQLAgent_Job_Name,

    Subscriptions.Description AS sub_desc,

    Subscriptions.DeliveryExtension AS sub_delExt,

    [Catalog].Name AS ReportName,

    [Catalog].Path AS ReportPath,

    Schedule.LastRunTime AS LastRun

    FROM ReportSchedule

    INNER JOIN Schedule


    ReportSchedule.ScheduleID = Schedule.ScheduleID

    INNER JOIN Subscriptions


    ReportSchedule.SubscriptionID = Subscriptions.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN [Catalog]


    ReportSchedule.ReportID = [Catalog].ItemID


    Subscriptions.Report_OID = [Catalog].ItemID


    Subscriptions.DeliveryExtension = 'Report Server Email'



    Schedule.LastRunTime DESC

  • Major props go out to Trevor Seward on TechNet for providing a way to see all the subscriptions via a PowerShell Script.


    Thanks Trevor


  • Trevor's Script:

    $siteUri = "[yourSharepointSiteHere]"

    $proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "$siteUri/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx" -UseDefaultCredential -Namespace "SSRS"

    $proxy.ListSubscriptions($siteUri) | Export-CSV -NoType -Path c:\ReportsSubs_List.csv

    Trevor's blog post to get more info:

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