Unable to Start SQL Server Agent Service with sa privileges

  • I am having sysadmin privileges on a SQL Server 2008R2 Enterprise Instance.

    But not sure why I am unable to start SQL Agent or Stop SQL Server Service.

    Also I was unable to find most of the Advanced Options in SQL Service Properties (lets say Startup Parameters).

    Can someone help on this please?

  • Are you using the 'sa' SQL-account or are you using a Windows account with SQL sysadmin permissions?

    It could be your Windows account doesn't have permissions on the OS level to start/stop services.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Is there anything relevent in the Windows Application Log?

  • Related question: On occasion, SQL Configuration shows an error when I click on the SQL Server Services node, or fails to start SQL Server, but I am able to start SQL Server from the Windows Services app.

    I know that the account used to run SQL Server should be changed from Configuration Manager only, and not Windows Services. Is there a reason that SQL Service should not be started or stopped from Windows Services?

  • Membership of the sysadmin server role gives you system administrator privileges within the SQL Server instance.

    It does not give you any permission at all on the server. If you are currently able to log into the server, you are lucky - a Windows admin has granted you the rights to log in.

    If you want to be able to start and stop services through Configuration Manager, you need to be a member of the Administrators group on the server.

    Actually that last statement is not 100% true - there are ways of giving your Windows account more granular permissions - but my point stands. Server permissions and SQL Server permissions are unrelated.

    Hope this helps.

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