tsql for XML format the values as elements

  • I am trying to get the values in a column as XML elements. Is it possible to do this using For XML in sql server?

    declare @XMLTest table( [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL )

    INSERT @XMLTest ([Name]) VALUES (N'One¬d¦Uº')

    INSERT @XMLTest ([Name]) VALUES (N'Two')

    INSERT @XMLTest([Name]) VALUES (N'Three')

    I would like to get the following on separate rows from the select query.

    This would help me escape the Invalid characters in the values, so they can then be serialized to XML properly.




    Is it possible to get this return from the FOR XML query, so that the invalid characters are properly encoded when the sql server generates the XML


  • I'm not sure why those character wouldn't be properly displayed.

    I tried

    select NAME as a from @XMLTest for XML PATH('')

    and received




    So I don't think there's any need to replace thoses special character.

    What exact output are you looking for (especially in terms of tag names)?

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  • Thanks for your reply Lutz, but as you can see in my post, I want the output to be




    so that each element in the column data be represented as an XML Element and not text in the element.

  • I don't understand why values of a column would need to be translated into tag (or element) names without any text value, especially if the values contain invalid character for xml elements. But there might be reasons out there to do so...

    I'm out.

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  • Here's a horrible and almost completely useless solution, but it does work... although it doesn't return the elements in the shortened notation....

    DECLARE @XMLTest TABLE( [Name] [NVarChar](50) NOT NULL )

    DECLARE @SQL AS VarChar(500)

    INSERT @XMLTest ([Name]) VALUES (N'One¬d¦Uº')

    INSERT @XMLTest ([Name]) VALUES (N'Two')

    INSERT @XMLTest([Name]) VALUES (N'Three')


    @SQL = 'SELECT [' +

    Max(CASE Ranking WHEN 1 THEN Name ELSE Null END) + '] = '''', [' +

    Max(CASE Ranking WHEN 2 THEN Name ELSE Null END) + '] = '''', [' +

    Max(CASE Ranking WHEN 3 THEN Name ELSE Null END) + '] = ''''' +





    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Name) AS Ranking,




    ) X

    EXEC (@SQL)

  • thanks, this will do the job

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