Mirroring with remote site (DR)

  • Hi,

    I have created a mirror for a database on 2 SQL servers in separate sites. The remote site is for DR. I'm trying to figure out how to do failover and failback. Currently I am not using a witness and accept the fact that it must be manual. The mirror is for a BES DB.

    The easy part is failing over and failing back when both databases are online and can connect to each other. In a DR situation, that will likely not be the case. So I'd like to know how to do failover and failback in following situation:

    Internet at main site is down. Several caveats here. First - BES and principal DB in main site would continue to be functional (internally), but not be able to ship logs to mirror DB. Do I need to gain physical access to the site to shut down the principal DB server? I would force BES to be primary at DR site, then I would need to use the BES DB (mirror) in DR site, but unsure how to make it principal and how it would affect the DB in main site when connectivity is reestablished. Then after main site is up, how do I fail it back, including keeping any changes while in DR? If I had to shut down the main site DB server, how would it act after being booted and seeing the DR site DB as principal?

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