Group on predominant fuzzy time

  • Ok, this will get you started with sample data:

    create table #groupings (

    ID int,

    EventName varchar(255),

    Venue varchar(255),

    EventDate datetime


    insert into #groupings

    values (1,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'),

    (2,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'),

    (3,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 10:45:42.670'),

    (4,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'),

    (1,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'),

    (2,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:38:42.670'),

    (3,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'),

    (4,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:28:42.670')

    select min(EventName) EventName, Venue, EventDate,

    stuff((select ',' + cast(ID as varchar) from #groupings where Venue = g.venue and Eventdate = g.eventdate for xml path ('')),1,1,'') IDs

    from #groupings g

    group by Venue, EventDate

    order by venue, eventdate

    drop table #groupings

    This gives me:

    EventName VenueEventDate IDs

    FootballArena 2013-10-04 09:58:42.6701,2,4

    FootballArena 2013-10-04 10:45:42.6703

    SoccerField 2013-10-04 09:28:42.6704

    SoccerField 2013-10-04 09:38:42.6702

    SoccerField 2013-10-04 09:58:42.6701,3

    and what I need is:

    EventName VenueEventDate IDs

    FootballArena 2013-10-04 09:58:42.6701,2,3,4

    SoccerField 2013-10-04 09:58:42.6701,2,3,4

    I know, group on EventName and Venue instead of time but that's not possible as the Event names in my real life data are all different and I have no option but to group on Venue and DateTime (thus the min(EventName) to homogenize them).

    What I don't know how to do is how to do something like:

    group by Venue, fuzzy-time(EventDate +/- an hour). Oh, and if I really want the data to be correct I need the incorrect times to yield to the majority. If there are two identical times and one unique time I need the result to be the time the "majority" agrees on.



  • Sorry could you please correct your SQL which populates the table?

  • (8 row(s) affected)

    Works just fine on my machine. Anyone else having difficulties with the SQL?

  • I had to change few things but try this:

    create table #groupings (

    ID int,

    EventName varchar(255),

    Venue varchar(255),

    EventDate datetime


    insert into #groupings

    select 1,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'


    select 2,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'


    select 3,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 10:45:42.670'


    select 4,'Football','Arena','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'


    select 1,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'


    select 2,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:38:42.670'


    select 3,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:58:42.670'


    select 4,'Soccer','Field','2013-10-04 09:28:42.670'

    select EventName, Venue, min(EventDate),

    substring((select ',' + cast(ID as varchar)

    from #groupings g1

    where g1.EventName= g2.EventName

    order by g1.EventName

    for xml path ('')),2, 1000) [Students]

    from #groupings g2

    group by EventName, Venue

  • A valiant effort, DVA2007, but you'll note in my first post that I cannot group on Event Name because they are disparate (sorry I mislead you with my test data).

    For example, you've got:


    Raiders vs Broncos

    Pigskin huddle


    as event names instead of the generic 'football' that I've put in place there. Thus the reason for using the min() function.

    More ideas.

  • Erin Ramsay (10/4/2013)

    More ideas.

    Normalize your data and then you aren't fighting this. Honestly the biggest challenge you are facing is the lack of normalization.

    That being said you have a real challenge here. You might be able to use the logic from today's article about grouping islands of contiguous dates. I am pretty swamped at the moment but if nobody else jumps in to help I can try to take a look at this early next week.[/url]


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  • Nevermind... if I flatten the hour out of the datetime I can do it. Thanks to SQLPrincess for the co-solution!!

  • You know, Sean, if I could normalize the data I would but it's third party data and I don't have that option.. good thought though.

  • I know this is a few days late, but I wanted to have a try at this. Here is what I came up with. Does it do what you require?

    with countDates as (

    select venue,


    dateadd(hour, -1, eventdate) beforedate,

    dateadd(hour, 1, eventdate) afterdate,

    count(*) over (partition by venue, eventdate) repeated

    from #groupings






    from #groupings g

    cross apply (

    select top 1 eventdate

    from countDates c

    where g.venue = c.venue and

    g.eventdate between beforedate and afterdate

    order by repeated desc) ca

    group by




  • It appears I'm also late to the party but perhaps this is another alternative:

    SELECT EventName, Venue, EventDate



    FROM #groupings b

    WHERE a.EventName = b.EventName AND a.Venue = b.Venue


    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 2, '')



    SELECT ID, EventName, Venue, rc, EventDate

    ,mr=MAX(rc) OVER (PARTITION BY EventName, Venue)



    SELECT ID, EventName, Venue, EventDate

    ,rc=COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY EventName, Venue, EventDate)

    FROM #groupings

    ) a

    ) a

    WHERE mr=rc

    GROUP BY EventName, Venue, EventDate;

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

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    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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