Extractinng node details from XML data

  • Following the advice given in this thread, I'm trying to extract data from XML in a hierarchy - the query below is nearly working, but where a node contains no data in itself, just child nodes, the [val] column being returned contains the concatenated data from all child nodes - is there any way I can prevent this?

    For example, the node <AvailableTrains> contains no data itself, but holds a set of <availableTrain> nodes - which can be many, but in the example data is only showing one available tran for each available route.

    DECLARE @SAMPLE TABLE (id int, item_xml xml)

    insert into

    @SAMPLE (id, item_xml)

    values (1, '<ArrayOfAvailableRoute>








    <StationName>London Euston</StationName>




    <StationName>Glasgow Central</StationName>











    <OperatorName>British Rail </OperatorName>






    <OperatorName>British Rail </OperatorName>



















    <StationName>London Euston</StationName>









    <OperatorName>British Rail </OperatorName>






    <OperatorName>British Rail </OperatorName>











    T.n.value('localname[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS [AttributeName]

    ,T.n.value('parent[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS [parent]

    ,T.n.value('value[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)') AS [val]

    FROM (

    SELECT top 10 id


    for $node in /descendant::node()[local-name() != ""]

    return <node>

    <localname>{ local-name($node) }</localname>

    <parent>{ local-name($node/..) }</parent>

    <value>{ $node }</value>

    </node>') AS nodes


    ) q1

    CROSS APPLY q1.nodes.nodes('/node') AS T(n)

  • You might want to have a look at this link

    It'll show you an alternative how to shred the data. The code should be reduced to the information required to avoid overhead.

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  • That looks perfect!

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