Importing data from Active Directory into SQL Server Table

  • Hello

    I am having a little trouble in importing data from Active directory into SQL Server table. I have been using the following tutorial to do so:

    So far i have created a package with a ADO NET source with the following SQL Command: Select displayname FROM 'LDAP://Ourserver' Where Objectclass = 'User'

    When i have gone to preview the query in the ADO NET Source editor i get the message: Warning. The data type 'system.object' found on column displayname is not supported for the ADO.NET Source. This column will be converted to DT_NTEXT.

    The DisplayName field in my SQL Server table is a Varchar(50)

    After the warning i click ok. However my ADO Net Source task has a warning sign that appears next to it.

    The message next to the ADO Net Source states: The data type system object found on column displayname is not supported for ADO NET.

    I have used a Data Conversion task to convert data type DT_NTEXT to unicode string [DT_WSTR]

    My Destination source is a OLE DB Destination. I also get a red cross next to my OLE Destation stating:

    Columns DisName and DisplayName cannot convert between unicode and non-code string data types.

    In our active directory folders we have various OU folders:

    I would like to create multiple tasks to be able to import different OUs. Each OU is based on a certain depot.

    e.g OU=Birmingham

    e.g OU=Manchester

    I attempted to create a LDAP query as follows but i don't think the syntax is correct.

    Select displayname FROM 'LDAP://Ourserver OU=Manchester' Where Objectclass = 'User'

    Please could you direct me in getting the package to work.


  • Any ideas anyone?

  • It might be an issue between Unicode an Non-Unicode data format.

    Did you try to change the data type in your target table to NVARCHAR(50)?

    (Just a pot shot though...)

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  • Thanks for the reply. I have changed my datatype to Nvarchar (50) I am still getting the warning sign on the ADO NET task: The data type system.object found on column "displayname" is not supported for ADO NET Source. This column will be converted to DT_NTEXT.

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