Blocking SPID with Text Data?

  • Hi

    SELECT wt.session_id, ot.task_state, wt.wait_type, wt.wait_duration_ms,

    wt.blocking_session_id, wt.resource_description, es.[host_name],

    es.[program_name] FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_tasks ot ON ot.task_address = wt.waiting_task_address

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions es ON es.session_id = wt.session_id

    WHERE es.is_user_process = 1

    this script provide only bocking SPID..

    Pl give me, I want textdata (Query which query get it blocking) along with SPID.



  • This script provide query and SPID of blocking and SPID and blocked SPID.

    and gives the blocking object name




    OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) BlockedObjectName,


    h1.TEXT AS RequestingText,

    h2.TEXT AS BlockingTest

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks AS tl

    INNER JOIN sys.databases db ON db.database_id = tl.resource_database_id

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS wt ON tl.lock_owner_address = wt.resource_address

    INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON p.hobt_id = tl.resource_associated_entity_id

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec1 ON ec1.session_id = tl.request_session_id

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec2 ON ec2.session_id = wt.blocking_session_id

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec1.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h1

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec2.most_recent_sql_handle) AS h2

  • Hi,

    This query will give two rows one is with running (blocking)

    and other one is suspended (blocked)

    SELECT r.session_id,








    t.text as Query_Text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) t

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON r.session_id = s.session_id

  • create table #temp


    spid smallint ,

    ecid smallint ,

    status nchar(30) ,

    loginame nchar(128) ,

    hostname nchar(128) ,

    blk char(5) ,

    dbname nchar(128) ,

    cmd nchar(16),

    request_id int


    insert into #temp exec sp_who

    select * from #temp where blk!=0 order by cast(blk as int) desc

  • SrcName (10/3/2013)

    create table #temp


    spid smallint ,

    ecid smallint ,

    status nchar(30) ,

    loginame nchar(128) ,

    hostname nchar(128) ,

    blk char(5) ,

    dbname nchar(128) ,

    cmd nchar(16),

    request_id int


    insert into #temp exec sp_who

    select * from #temp where blk!=0 order by cast(blk as int) desc

    This will not give textdata (Query which query get it blocking)

  • parulprabu (10/3/2013)

    SrcName (10/3/2013)

    create table #temp


    spid smallint ,

    ecid smallint ,

    status nchar(30) ,

    loginame nchar(128) ,

    hostname nchar(128) ,

    blk char(5) ,

    dbname nchar(128) ,

    cmd nchar(16),

    request_id int


    insert into #temp exec sp_who

    select * from #temp where blk!=0 order by cast(blk as int) desc

    This will not give textdata (Query which query get it blocking)

    I have been used your way of getting blocked SPID, read data from DM-TABLE, but i think that is slower compared with sp_who.

    I get sql text on this way

    declare @sqltext VARBINARY(128)

    select @sqltext = sql_handle

    FROM sys.sysprocesses



    FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@sqltext)

    Dear parulprabu

    You may try and tell us opinion

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