Maximum request length exceeded

  • I'm having the following in my relatorio he is already quite long.

    "There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Maximum request length exceeded"

    I went to the folder SQLSERVER. check out, I found there this,

    <httpRuntime executionTimeout= "9000" maxRequestLength="2097151" />

    I tried to change

    <httpRuntime executionTimeout= "9000" maxRequestLength="3097151" />

    but without success.

    My question is what is the maximum size is 2097151?

    thank you

  • I haven't seen anything that states there is an upper limit to the report size, the only size limit is if you want to export to excel. You have to restart reporting services after changing that value I believe.

    Do you have a lot of images in this report?

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