Returning related records from the same table

  • I have a table named batch. Which contains a PK field(ID) and FK field(OriginatingID). The issue I have is that I need to be able to return all related rows related to the PK field. The records in the table are similar to below


    1null 100

    21 100EXP1

    32 100EXP2

    43 100EXP3

    I have been trying to figure out to write a select statement that would return all the rows that are related to the Batch 100

    I have thought about doing something with the BATCHNUM field however, the data entered in that field doesn't always follow the same conventions as far as the data that is entered.

    Any and all assistance is appreciated!


  • Not sure if I'm missing something, but without table definitions, sample data, and expected results it's hard to tell if I'm right...

    use Test2;


    CREATE TABLE test (

    ID INT,

    ParentID INT,

    ColX CHAR(7)



    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (1, null, '100');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (2,1, '100EXP1');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (3,2, '100EXP1');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (4,3, '100EXP3');

    SELECT *

    FROM test

    WHERE ColX LIKE '100%';

  • Not sure if I'm missing something, but without table definitions, sample data, and expected results it's hard to tell if I'm right...

    use Test2;


    CREATE TABLE test (

    ID INT,

    ParentID INT,

    ColX CHAR(7)



    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (1, null, '100');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (2,1, '100EXP1');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (3,2, '100EXP1');

    INSERT INTO test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (4,3, '100EXP3');

    SELECT *

    FROM test

    WHERE ColX LIKE '100%';

  • Thanks for your reply, that was my first thought as well. However, some records in the table doesn't follow the same batchnum format. Therefore, some records would be missed.

    I was hoping there was a way to use the PK FK relationship.

    Any thoughts

  • I'm not sure how you would. PK/FK is basically enforcement of matching values and field types (and sizes) in 2 different tables. That said, I posted the only way I can think of getting even close to what you want. If you have a "prefix" (I use the term loosely) that matches, then you could join on that. If you index the column, you shouldn't have terrible performance.

    What happened when you tried it?

  • Thanks again. I may have to go that route.

  • If you're trying to unchain a sequence of part numbers using a parentID like this, you may want to look at using a recursive CTE to resolve the hierarchy.

    Something like this:

    CREATE TABLE #test (

    ID INT,

    ParentID INT,

    ColX CHAR(7)



    INSERT INTO #test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (1, null, '100');

    INSERT INTO #test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (2,1, '100EXP1');

    INSERT INTO #test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (3,2, '100EXP2');

    INSERT INTO #test(ID,ParentID,ColX) VALUES (4,3, '100EXP3');



    SELECT ID, ParentID, ColX

    FROM #Test

    WHERE ColX = '100'


    SELECT b.ID, b.ParentID, b.ColX

    FROM rCTE a

    JOIN #Test b ON a.ID = b.ParentID


    SELECT *



    DROP TABLE #test;

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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