SQl 2005 Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'dbo'

  • I am trying to create a stored procedure that has 5 steps in it. the procedure is failing at step 3 with the full error message "Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'dbo'. No entry was found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered in correctly [SQL State 08004] [Error 911]. I checked the spelling and it is correct. What else could cause this error? Any help is appreciated.

  • Sounds like somewhere a table/procedure is being referenced incorrectly. dbo.something.somethingelse, rather than databasename.dbo.something. Post the code?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This is the code in step 3




    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR]


    --- Added 4 Drop table code to avoid duplication 9/11/2013 TD

    IF OBJECT_ID('tmp_ARDetail') is not null


    DROP TABLE tmp_ARDetail;


    IF OBJECT_ID('tmp_AR') is not null


    DROP TABLE tmp_AR;


    IF OBJECT_ID('tmp_CalcAR') is not null


    DROP TABLE tmp_CalcAR;


    IF OBJECT_ID('tmp_ARCalc') is not null


    DROP TABLE tmp_ARCalc;





    -- Set Variables

    DECLARE @curpd int,@agingdt as datetime

    SET @curpd = 380

    SET @agingdt = '9/4/2013'


    *** END UPDATE ***



    -- Post Data


    'ARC_Infmtx' as UCI

    ,chgid as ChgID

    ,dat.doschg as DosDt

    ,dat.postdtchg as ChgPostDt

    ,@curpd as arpdid

    ,dat.cptcode as CptCode

    ,CAST('PROCEDURE' as varchar(255)) as CptDesc

    ,dat.cptcomp as CptComp

    ,isnull(bprv.provname_lf,'UNAPPLIED BILLING PROVIDER') as BillingProvider

    ,isnull(rprv.provname_lf,'UNAPPLIED RENDERING PROVIDER') as RenderingProvider

    ,isnull(fac.facdesc,'UNAPPLIED FACILITY') as Facility

    ,isnull(pos.posdesc,'UNAPPLIED PLACE OF SERVICE') as PlaceOfService

    ,isnull(dpt.dptdesc,'UNAPPLIED DEPARTMENT') as Department

    ,isnull(modal.modaldesc,'UNAPPLIED MODALITY') as Modality

    ,isnull(ref.refname_lf,'UNAPPLIED REF PROVIDER') as ReferringProvider

    ,(case when dat.curinsmne = 'Guarantor' then 'SELFPAY'

    else isnull(cptyp.ptypemne,'UNAPPLIED PTYPE') end) as PType

    ,(case when dat.trantype = 1 then dat.amt else 0 end) as ChgAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 4 and trncd.pmtcat = 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as PmtGuarAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 4 and trncd.pmtcat <> 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as PmtInsAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 3 and dat.crcat = 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as AdjContrAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 3 and dat.crcat <> 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as AdjWOAmt

    ,(case when Len(LTrim(RTrim(ref.refname_assoc))) > 0

    then ref.refname_assoc

    else 'NO REFERRING GROUP' end) as RefGroup

    INTO tmp_ARDetail

    FROM infmtx_dat_Transactions dat

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Provider bprv on dat.billprov = bprv.provid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Provider rprv on dat.rendprov = rprv.provid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Facility fac on dat.facid = fac.facid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_POS pos on dat.posid = pos.posid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Department dpt on dat.dptid = dpt.dptid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Modality modal on dat.modalid = modal.modalid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_RefProvider ref on dat.refprovid = ref.refid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_TransCode trncd on dat.trantype = trncd.trantype

    AND dat.transcode = trncd.trancodemne

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Insurance cins on dat.curinsmne = cins.insmne

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_PType cptyp on cins.irptcat = cptyp.ptypemne

    WHERE dat.rptpd < @curpd;

    -- Set CPT Description

    UPDATE tmp_ARDetail

    SET CptDesc = cpt.cptdesc

    FROM tmp_ARDetail ar

    INNER JOIN infmtx_dic_CPT cpt ON ar.cptcode = cpt.cptcode AND ar.cptcomp = cpt.cptcomp;

    -- Summarize on Charge Level

















    ,Sum(tmp.ChgAmt) as Charges

    ,Sum(tmp.PmtGuarAmt) as GuarantorPmts

    ,Sum(tmp.PmtInsAmt) as InsurancePmts

    ,Sum(tmp.AdjContrAmt) as ContrAdjs

    ,Sum(tmp.AdjWOAmt) as WriteOffs

    ,CAST(0 as decimal(18,2)) as CurBalance

    ,@agingdt as AgeDt

    ,0 as DOSDys

    ,0 as AgeBucketInt

    ,'000_000_Days' as AgeBucketString

    ,'N' as Over90DaysFlag

    ,'N' as Over120DaysFlag


    INTO tmp_AR

    FROM tmp_ARDetail tmp

    GROUP BY tmp.UCI,tmp.DosDt,tmp.ChgPostDt,tmp.arpdid,tmp.CptCode,tmp.CptDesc,tmp.CptComp



    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_ARDetail;

    /*** Calculate Current Balance and remove Zero balances ***/

    -- Current Balance

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET CurBalance = (Charges - GuarantorPmts - InsurancePmts - ContrAdjs - WriteOffs);

    -- Delete Zero Records

    DELETE FROM tmp_AR WHERE CurBalance = 0;

    --select Sum(CurBalance) from tmp_AR;

    /*** Calculate Aging Data ***/

    -- Calculate Days

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET DOSDys = isnull(CAST((AgeDt - DosDt) as int),0);

    -- Set Bucket

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET AgeBucketInt = (case when DOSDys < 31 then 0

    when (DOSDys > 30 and DOSDys < 61) then 1

    when (DOSDys > 60 and DOSDys < 91) then 2

    when (DOSDys > 90 and DOSDys < 121) then 3

    when (DOSDys > 120 and DOSDys < 151) then 4

    when (DOSDys > 150 and DOSDys < 181) then 5

    else 6 end);

    -- Set Bucket Description

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET AgeBucketString = (case when AgeBucketInt = 0 then '000_030_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 1 then '031_060_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 2 then '061_090_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 3 then '091_120_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 4 then '121_150_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 5 then '151_180_Days'

    else '181_Over' end);

    -- Set Over 90 and Over 120 Flags

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET Over90DaysFlag = 'Y' WHERE AgeBucketInt > 2;

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET Over120DaysFlag = 'Y' WHERE AgeBucketInt > 3;

    -- Post to Calc Table as Begining Balance



    ,pd.monasdt as BillMonth

    ,pd.billpddiff as BillMonthDiff

    ,pd.fy as BillYear

    ,pd.fypddiff as BillYearDiff












    ,(CAST(ar.CurBalance as decimal(38,2))) as BegAR

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as Charges

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as Payments_Guar

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as Payments_Ins

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as Adjustments_Contr

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as Adjustments_WriteOffs

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) CurrentBalance

    ,ar.AgeBucketInt as Bucket_Number

    ,ar.AgeBucketString as Bucket_Desc




    INTO tmp_CalcAR

    FROM tmp_AR ar

    LEFT JOIN Master_dic_Period pd ON ar.arpdid = pd.pd;

    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_AR;


    -- Post Data


    'ARC_Infmtx' as UCI

    ,chgid as ChgID

    ,dat.doschg as DosDt

    ,dat.postdtchg as ChgPostDt

    ,@curpd as arpdid

    ,isnull(cpt.cptcode,'ZYZYZ') as CptCode

    ,isnull(cpt.cptdesc,'UNAPPLIED CPT') as CptDesc

    ,isnull(cpt.cptcomp,'G') as CptComp

    ,isnull(bprv.provname_lf,'UNAPPLIED BILLING PROVIDER') as BillingProvider

    ,isnull(rprv.provname_lf,'UNAPPLIED RENDERING PROVIDER') as RenderingProvider

    ,isnull(fac.facdesc,'UNAPPLIED FACILITY') as Facility

    ,isnull(pos.posdesc,'UNAPPLIED PLACE OF SERVICE') as PlaceOfService

    ,isnull(dpt.dptdesc,'UNAPPLIED DEPARTMENT') as Department

    ,isnull(modal.modaldesc,'UNAPPLIED MODALITY') as Modality

    ,isnull(ref.refname_lf,'UNAPPLIED REF PROVIDER') as ReferringProvider

    ,(case when dat.curinsmne = 'Guarantor' then 'SELFPAY'

    else isnull(cptyp.ptypemne,'UNAPPLIED PTYPE') end) as PType

    ,(case when dat.trantype = 1 then dat.amt else 0 end) as ChgAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 4 and trncd.pmtcat = 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as PmtGuarAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 4 and trncd.pmtcat <> 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as PmtInsAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 3 and dat.crcat = 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as AdjContrAmt

    ,(case when (dat.trantype = 3 and dat.crcat <> 1) then dat.amt else 0 end) as AdjWOAmt

    ,(case when Len(LTrim(RTrim(ref.refname_assoc))) > 0

    then ref.refname_assoc

    else 'NO REFERRING GROUP' end) as RefGroup

    INTO tmp_ARDetail

    FROM infmtx_dat_Transactions dat

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_CPT cpt on dat.cptid = cpt.cptid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Provider bprv on dat.billprov = bprv.provid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Provider rprv on dat.rendprov = rprv.provid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Facility fac on dat.facid = fac.facid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_POS pos on dat.posid = pos.posid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Department dpt on dat.dptid = dpt.dptid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Modality modal on dat.modalid = modal.modalid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_RefProvider ref on dat.refprovid = ref.refid

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_TransCode trncd on dat.trantype = trncd.trantype

    AND dat.transcode = trncd.trancodemne

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_Insurance cins on dat.curinsmne = cins.insmne

    LEFT JOIN infmtx_dic_PType cptyp on cins.irptcat = cptyp.ptypemne

    WHERE dat.rptpd = @curpd;

    -- Summarize on Charge Level

















    ,Sum(tmp.ChgAmt) as Charges

    ,Sum(tmp.PmtGuarAmt) as GuarantorPmts

    ,Sum(tmp.PmtInsAmt) as InsurancePmts

    ,Sum(tmp.AdjContrAmt) as ContrAdjs

    ,Sum(tmp.AdjWOAmt) as WriteOffs

    ,CAST(0 as decimal(18,2)) as CurBalance

    ,@agingdt as AgeDt

    ,0 as DOSDys

    ,0 as AgeBucketInt

    ,'000_000_Days' as AgeBucketString

    ,'N' as Over90DaysFlag

    ,'N' as Over120DaysFlag


    INTO tmp_AR

    FROM tmp_ARDetail tmp

    GROUP BY tmp.UCI,tmp.DosDt,tmp.ChgPostDt,tmp.arpdid,tmp.CptCode,tmp.CptDesc,tmp.CptComp



    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_ARDetail;

    -- Calculate Aging Data

    -- Calculate Days

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET DOSDys = isnull(CAST((AgeDt - DosDt) as int),0);

    -- Set Bucket

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET AgeBucketInt = (case when DOSDys < 31 then 0

    when (DOSDys > 30 and DOSDys < 61) then 1

    when (DOSDys > 60 and DOSDys < 91) then 2

    when (DOSDys > 90 and DOSDys < 121) then 3

    when (DOSDys > 120 and DOSDys < 151) then 4

    when (DOSDys > 150 and DOSDys < 181) then 5

    else 6 end);

    -- Set Bucket Description

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET AgeBucketString = (case when AgeBucketInt = 0 then '000_030_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 1 then '031_060_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 2 then '061_090_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 3 then '091_120_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 4 then '121_150_Days'

    when AgeBucketInt = 5 then '151_180_Days'

    else '181_Over' end);

    -- Set Over 90 and Over 120 Flags

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET Over90DaysFlag = 'Y' WHERE AgeBucketInt > 2;

    UPDATE tmp_AR SET Over120DaysFlag = 'Y' WHERE AgeBucketInt > 3;

    -- Post to Calc Table

    INSERT INTO tmp_CalcAR (UCI,BillMonth,BillMonthDiff,BillYear,BillYearDiff,CptCode,CptDesc,CptComp




    ,Bucket_Number,Bucket_Desc,Over90DaysFlag,Over120DaysFlag,RefGroup )


















    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2))) as BegAR

    ,(CAST(ar.Charges as decimal(38,2)))

    ,(CAST(ar.GuarantorPmts as decimal(38,2)))

    ,(CAST(ar.InsurancePmts as decimal(38,2)))

    ,(CAST(ar.ContrAdjs as decimal(38,2)))

    ,(CAST(ar.WriteOffs as decimal(38,2)))

    ,(CAST(0 as decimal(38,2)))






    FROM tmp_AR ar

    LEFT JOIN Master_dic_Period pd ON ar.arpdid = pd.pd;

    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_AR;

    -- Summarize AR Calc


















    ,Sum(BegAR) as B_AR

    ,Sum(Charges) as Chgs

    ,Sum(Payments_Guar) as GuarPmts

    ,Sum(Payments_Ins) as InsPmts

    ,Sum(Adjustments_Contr) as ContrAdjs

    ,Sum(Adjustments_WriteOffs) as WOAdjs

    ,Sum(CurrentBalance) as CurBal






    INTO tmp_ARCalc

    FROM tmp_CalcAR

    GROUP BY UCI,BillMonth,BillMonthDiff,BillYear,BillYearDiff,CptCode,CptDesc,CptComp,BillingProvider



    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_CalcAR;

    -- Calculate Ending A/R

    UPDATE tmp_ARCalc SET CurBal = (B_AR + Chgs - GuarPmts - InsPmts - ContrAdjs - WOAdjs);

    -- Delete Zero Records

    DELETE FROM tmp_ARCalc WHERE CurBal = 0;

    -- Post to Live Table

    INSERT INTO rpt_Infmtx_MonthlyAR (UCI,BillMonth,BillMonthDiff,BillYear,BillYearDiff,CPTCode,CPTDesc





    ,Over90Flag,Over120Flag,RefGroup )

    SELECT UCI,BillMonth,BillMonthDiff,BillYear,BillYearDiff,CptCode,CptDesc,CptComp,BillingProvider




    FROM tmp_ARCalc;

    -- Drop Temp Table

    DROP TABLE tmp_ARCalc;

    /**** Clear out a month previously posted

    DELETE FROM rpt_Infmtx_MonthlyAR WHERE BillMonth = '11/1/2012';


  • Nothing in there that could throw that error. What's the entire of job step 3?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I have attached the screen shots of the failure. If I run this procedure individually I don't get an error, so you comment makes sense. I am not sure how to answer your question.

  • I have added the screen shot of the step itself in case I made a mistake.

  • I'm not downloading word docs.

    What is the code for 'step 3' (whatever step 3 is)? The piece that, when you run it, you get an error.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • When I look at the job step properties under the general tab

    StepName: MonthlyAR,

    Type is Transact SQL,

    Database is ARC_Rpts,

    Command is exec dbo.sproc.Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR.

    Job step properties under under the advanced tab

    On success action go to next step

    On failure action Quit the job reporting failure

    I have already posted all the code for step 3: Monthly AR in today's post @ 10:59:12 AM

    I get the error when I run the SQL Server agent job ARC_Processing.

    When I review the Job Activity Monitor I see step 1 and step 2 succeeded. Step ID 3 Failed , Job Name ARC_Procesing, StepName MonthlyAR , Message "Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'dbo'. No entry was found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered in correctly [SQL State 08004] [Error 911]

  • There's your problem

    exec dbo.sproc.Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR

    That states that the database name is dbo, the schema is sproc and the procedure name is Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR. Since you're getting errors, that's obviously not the case, so specify the correct database and schema names for the procedure

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for your patience. I thought I had copied and pasted to avoid errors but I was wrong. The command needs to be exec dbo.sproc_Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR with an underscore after sproc not a . Thanks a million!!

  • vba317 - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 8:26 AM

    I am trying to create a stored procedure that has 5 steps in it. the procedure is failing at step 3 with the full error message "Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'dbo'. No entry was found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered in correctly [SQL State 08004] [Error 911]. I checked the spelling and it is correct. What else could cause this error? Any help is appreciated.

    Hi All

    I faced the same issue.

    We need to use Square brackets for database name


    use [database]

    instead of

    use database

    Hope it helps.

  • vba317 - Wednesday, September 25, 2013 2:51 PM

    Thanks for your patience. I thought I had copied and pasted to avoid errors but I was wrong. The command needs to be exec dbo.sproc_Infmtx_003_MonthlyAR with an underscore after sproc not a . Thanks a million!!

    So the database name was the database to which the session was connected at that time and the procedure belongs to dbo.  Two dots in the earlier command made SQL to take dbo as a database.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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