How do I calculate the subtotal for a calculated column using the subtotals of the other columns used in the calculation?

  • I have in the underlying database a column computed from other values in the same row.

    In ssas all these columns are automatically summed to provide the subtotals as I drill down hierarchies.

    However, rather than summing the computed column values I need to perform the computation again in ssas using the subtotals of the other summed columns.

    I am new to ssas but I have a sense that this is probably a common problem with a generic answer but I cannot find an example of how to do this.

  • I think an example of what you are trying to accomplish may help. However, based on what you noted so far, you may be able to look at creating a calculated member to sum your two values. SSAS does not handle aggregates of aggregates in a straight forward method.

  • More information is needed to see what you are doing. A picture of what you currently see would also be helpful.

  • The solution was a calculated member - I realised this is what they are for!

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