Disable/Enable Account

  • Is there any way I can enable/disable a sql/nt account by running a stored poc?

  • Yes, it's possible. You have to use dynamic SQL to accomplish it. Below I quickly created a small stored procedure that does the trick. I didn't include any error handling, so alter it to your needs before taking it in production.

    create procedure toggle_login (@login_name nvarchar(125), @set_enable bit)



    declare @sql_command nvarchar(500)

    set @sql_command = 'ALTER LOGIN [' + @login_name + '] ' + case when @set_enable = 1 then 'ENABLE' else 'DISABLE' end

    print @sql_command

    exec sp_executesql @sql_command


    -- usage of above stored procedure

    exec toggle_login 'test', true

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • It works.... Thanks

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