Need a batch process solution (Non-SSIS if possible)

  • Hello...

    I have the following query which returns information to me on whether a user has gone from just being a user to a customer in our system. Here's the SQL:

    SELECT AM_invoiceheader.BuyerID, COUNT(DISTINCT AM_invoiceitems.InvoiceID) AS Invoices, SUM(AM_invoiceitems.SalePrice) AS Revenue,

    YEAR(AM_invoiceheader.ShipDate) AS Year, SUM(AM_invoiceitems.Quantity) AS Units, AM_buyers.BillToEmail, AM_buyers.ShipToEmail

    FROM AM_invoiceheader INNER JOIN

    AM_invoiceitems ON AM_invoiceheader.InvoiceID = AM_invoiceitems.InvoiceID INNER JOIN

    AM_buyers ON AM_invoiceheader.BuyerID = AM_buyers.BuyerID

    WHERE (AM_invoiceitems.Typeid IN (1)) AND (AM_invoiceheader.InvoiceSourceID IN (5, 6)) OR

    (AM_invoiceitems.Typeid IN (1)) AND (AM_invoiceheader.InvoiceSourceID IN (5, 6))

    GROUP BY AM_invoiceheader.BuyerID, YEAR(AM_invoiceheader.ShipDate), AM_buyers.BillToEmail, AM_buyers.ShipToEmail

    HAVING (AM_buyers.BillToEmail LIKE N'') OR

    (AM_buyers.ShipToEmail LIKE N'')

    ORDER BY AM_invoiceheader.BuyerID

    I have 17k of email addresses that I need to run through this query, and I am hoping there is a way for me to be able to do this in just a T-SQL query by way of a SQL Agent Job or some other batch process (other than SSIS - long story for why I am avoiding that method).

    Please let me know if you need additional information from me to help out, and any and all help is definitely appreciated!

    Thank you in advance...


  • Are the 17k of email addresses in a table?

    Living in Paradise: N 34°16'07.99" W 119°12'17.58"

  • Good question...No, they are in an .xlsx file that I can convert as needed (if needed). Also - and sorry I forgot to include this initially, but I want to save the result set for each of the addresses (Either in a temp table or if there is an easier way to output them to say an .csv/.xls file, I am open to that as well).

    Thanks again

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