Any issues with installing .NET 4.5 on SSRS / SQL 2008R2?

  • I have Windows 2008 R2, SQL 2008 R2 box with SSRS working just fine (not Sharepoint, just regular SSRS). I'm wondering if installing .NET 4.5 full would break the SSRS or other elements of the SQL end of things. I have Windows 2008R2 on the back end. Has anyone installed .NET 4.5 over their install / seen any issues?

  • all of the DotNet versions install side by side in the %windir%\Microsoft.NET folders, they never overwrite each hooter, so you won't have an issue.

    you'll just end up seeing a new folder appear after installation,and it will not affect anything that already exists...just be there for new code you care to write that uses the new framework, which you have to explicitly target when you are creating something in visual studio.


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  • Thanks Lowell: I know 4.5 is an in-place update of 4.0 versus side-by-side like 2.0 or 3.5. I'm not so much worried about Visual Studio as much as issues "hosting" SSRS, etc. I know in 2008R2, we aren't using IIS as the back-end for SSRS, but to complete the analogy, IIS has different app pools for 2.0 vs 4.0 framework. I was worried that by updating 4.0 framework, something on the report serving side might inadvertently reset.

    At any rate, I'm going to give it a shot. Thanks.

  • And... it's installed. Looks good after reboot. Thanks for the vote of confidence. 😉

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