Error 14258: cannot perform this operation while SQL server agent is starting. Try again later.

  • Hello. I have a SQL 2000 SP4 that has this problem with the job since 15/07/2013. Look pretty and we have activated fibers NT mode or anything like that. The server was shut down on 15 and 16 present this problem without any configuration changes made ​​or anything like that.

    This server functions as a replication publisher another 5 and as expected they are not replicating the data.

    Thank you very much for any help you can give me.


  • your post isn't clearly written. You mentioned fibers, but you say you activated them. Did you mean you haven't?

    You haven't really given enough information about what is or is not working. Something tried to run, but SQL Server Agent wasn't running, or was stuck starting. Can you provide more details about what is wrong, or what else appeared in the log?

    Also, please don't use the subject line as part of your post. Please write all information so we can easily follow what happened.

  • hello. sorry but my English is not very good.

    I'm not using NT fibers.

    The agent appears to be running, but not run the job.

    when trying to run the job manually error 14258 appears.

    if you try to stop the agent, is in stopping state but never does. never appears as stopped

    I hope I was more clear. Thanks for answering

  • It is very hard to remember all the error codes. If you paste or upload the errors, it would be much easier and helpful.

    Refer @

    I think similar kind problem.

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