Linked tables in Acess from Sql server (call failed) error!!!

  • i have an access db which has appx 25 linked tables which read from a SQL server db, i have a macro which runs multiple queries in access which readds data from those linked tables and saves it on a local table

    my problem is when i run the queries to update the data from the linked tables i get "ODBC-Call Failed" error

    i've tried to reestablish the connection but this happens again ?? any ideas would be appreciated.

  • what happens if you run each step manually? I have seen something like this if one step is broken and that step might involve, for example, an Access link to a SQL table that has been changed (but Access has not been refreshed since the change)

  • An "ODBC-Call Failed" error can be due to many things. The error message is usually accompanied by some further info which is more helpful, such as "Primary key violation." If you can include all the information it would help a lot. Nonetheless, here are my thoughts:

    First, re-link the tables to make sure everything is current in Access

    Errors while updating linked tables, in my experience, are usually due to invalid table joins, key (Primary or Foreign) violations, or data type mismatches. You don't mention whether your update queries involve multiple tables. If so, make sure the table joins are proper. If the joins are not on unique indexes, you'll have problems. The best way to ensure your update query is valid is to open a simple SELECT query (no updates) and view the records in datasheet view. Then, manually attempt to update one of the non-key values. If you can do that, you know your table joins and table links are OK. If not, then you've found the source of the problem.

    Let us know if you can manually update the a row value from Access via your query -- that will get us to the next step.

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