Different Approach

  • I am in the process of writing a stored procedure to extract data from one of our systems, to import it into another. I am basically pulling records from invoice tables to import into the general ledger. So my output is a debit and a credit record. The problem I am having is if there is only one debit and one credit (to balance) I need them to be on one line instead of separate lines.

    So here is what I have. I have one cursor for the debit and one cursor for the credits. The reason I did this is incase there are multiple lines to an invoice, I can do the price - discount + tax for each line for the debits, because they may be for different accounts, and then the total as the credit. I can do a case statment within my select to combine them into one line in one cursor but it then shows up in the other cursor. I'd like to get away from the cursor but I don't even know where to begin as I've just learned how to write the cursor not that long ago. And, I think I need a cursor because I do have to do a line by line analysis. I apologize if my post is unclear as I tried to give a brief synopsis of my sproc. Thank you for any help/advice in advance. I think I need a different approach to pulling the records. Am I wrong?

  • Hi and welcome to the forums. I would agree that getting rid of the cursor is a good way to go. In order to help we will need a few things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

    Please take a few minutes and read the first article in my signature for best practices when posting questions.


    Need help? Help us help you.

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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Ok, so here is the jyst of my procedure.


    @Input nvarchar(20) --this get popualated from a drop down in Excel

    ,@SdateDateType = NULL --depending on what is chosen above, these parameters will be filled in

    ,@EdateDateType = NULL

    ,@Inv1InvNumType = NULL

    ,@Inv2 InvNumType = NULL

    ,@Inv3InvNumType = NULL --the user has the ability to enter up to 20 Inv#




    ,@BookDatedatetime --system generated date for posting

    ,@InvTextnvarchar(99) --I concatenate a few fields for these


    ,@Debitnvarchar(5) --debit account numbers

    ,@Creditnvarchar(5) --credit account numbers

    ,@LinePricedecimal(21,8) --price for each line in invoice

    ,@LineCountint--count of invoice lines

    ,@LineDiscdecimal(21,8) --line discount





    DECLARE @resultset TABLE (

    Belegdatumdatetime, --InvDate

    Buchungsdatumdatetime, --BookDate

    Buchungstextnvarchar(99), --InvText

    Buchungsbetragdecimal(21,8), --InvAmt

    Sollkontonvarchar(10), --Debit

    Habenkontonvarchar(10), --Credit

    )--These are German field names, this is for our German location

    IF @Input = 'Rechnung Nr' --This is one of the options in the drop down box, if this is chosen then the @Inv1, @Inv2...are the expected variablew




    (CONVERT(datetime, ih.inv_date, 104)) --InvDate

    ,(CONVERT(datetime, getdate(), 104)) --BookDate

    ,ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ih.inv_num) + '/1' --The concatenation of fields for the @InvText

    ,ih.price --@InvAmt

    ,'' -- Debit

    ,'CREDIT' = (select z.Uf_FTOldCustNo from customer z where z.cust_num = c.cust_num and z.cust_seq = 0) --Credit Account Numbers

    FROM inv_hdr ih

    JOIN customer c on ih.cust_num = c.cust_num and c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    join custaddr ca on ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num and ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ih.inv_num IN (dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv1),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv2),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv3),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv4),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv5),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv6),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv7),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv8),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv9),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv10),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv11),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv12),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv13),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv14),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv15),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv16),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv17),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv18),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv19),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv20))

    and ih.inv_num like 'G%'

    and ih.price > 0

    OPEN CdtCrs








    WHILE (@@fetch_status =0)


    INSERT INTO @resultSet
























    CLOSE CdtCrs


    --DEBITS G%



    (CONVERT(datetime, ih.inv_date, 104)) as InvDate

    ,(CONVERT(datetime, getdate(), 104)) as BookDate

    ,ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ii.inv_num) + '/1'

    ,(ii.qty_invoiced * ii.price) as LinePrice

    ,(ih.disc_amount)/(count(ii.inv_line) OVER(PARTITION BY ih.inv_num)) as LineDisc --The disc_amount is a whole number in the header table, not line by line

    ,'TaxAmt' = CASE WHEN ih.tax_code1 in ('EU', 'NON-EU') THEN


    ELSE (ix.tax_rate/100) END

    ,'DEBIT' =CASE WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'EU'

    THEN (SELECT x.eu_account FROM ViewForTaxAccts X WHERE x.item = ii.item)

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'NON-EU'

    THEN (SELECT x.noneu_account FROM ViewForTaxAccts X WHERE x.item = ii.item)

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 is null

    THEN (SELECT x.inland_account FROM ViewForTaxAccts X WHERE x.item = ii.item)


    FROM inv_hdr ih

    join inv_item ii on ih.inv_num = ii.inv_num

    LEFT join inv_stax ix on ih.inv_num = ix.inv_num

    JOIN item i on ii.item = i.item

    JOIN customer c on ih.cust_num = c.cust_num and c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    join custaddr ca on ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num and ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ii.inv_num IN (dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv1),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv2),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv3),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv4),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv5),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv6),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv7),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv8),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv9),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv10),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv11),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv12),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv13),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv14),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv15),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv16),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv17),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv18),

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv19),dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv20))

    and ih.inv_num like 'G%'

    and ii.price > 0

    OPEN DbtCrs










    WHILE (@@fetch_status =0)


    SET@NetAmt = @LinePrice - @LineDisc

    SET@InvAmt = (@NetAmt * @LineTax) + @NetAmt

    INSERT INTO @resultSet


























    CLOSE DbtCrs



    Then I repeat the above for the other input option, which is by date, so my where clause changes. Other then that it is the exact same. So as you can see, I get one row for debit and one for credits. When the inv_num begins with 'G', the customer account will get the credit and the "sales" accounts will get the debit. The problem is there may or may not be multiple accounts that get debited, if there are, this works perfectly, but if its only one account that gets the debit, then I need the credit and the debit to be on the same line.

    Thank you for any help in advance, I just am not sure how else to go about it.

  • I'm sorry, I forgot to add an example of the output...I attached a spreadsheet because of the way it looked when I pasted it in here. Again, thank you for any help.

  • aren't you just killing your engine using all these cursors, UDF in in-clauses, row level nested views ( who knows what is in there ) ...

    How about adding a group by to create your wanted row set.

    What SQLServer version are you working with ?

    Why aren't you using SSIS ?


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  • Thanks for posting the proc that you are working with. As I said previously we need to have ddl and sample data. These both seem to be missing from your post. Also, you need to post ddl for the ExpandKy scalar function, that is going to be a performance nightmare. The other scalar function (NonExpandKy) should also be examined.


    Need help? Help us help you.

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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • -- no cursors are required here:

    -- Construct a table from the list of invoice numbers

    IF object_id('TempDB..#InvoiceList') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #InvoiceList

    SELECT inv_num

    INTO #InvoiceList

    FROM (

    SELECT inv_num =

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv1) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv2) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv3) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv4) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv5) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv6) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv7) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv8) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv9) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv10) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv11) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv12) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv13) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv14) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv15) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv16) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv17) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv18) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv19) UNION ALL

    dbo.ExpandKy(10, @Inv20)

    ) d

    WHERE inv_num IS NOT NULL

    -- reconstruct the credits query and run results into temp table #Credits


    Belegdatum= CONVERT(datetime, ih.inv_date, 104),

    Buchungsdatum= GETDATE(), -- GETDATE() doesn't need converting to DATETIME

    Buchungstext= ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ih.inv_num) + '/1', --The concatenation of fields for the @InvText

    Buchungsbetrag= ih.price, --@InvAmt

    Sollkonto= '',

    Habenkonto= (SELECT z.Uf_FTOldCustNo FROM customer z WHERE z.cust_num = c.cust_num and z.cust_seq = 0) --Credit Account Numbers

    INTO #Credits

    FROM inv_hdr ih

    JOIN customer c

    ON ih.cust_num = c.cust_num AND c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    INNER JOIN custaddr ca

    ON ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num AND ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ih.inv_num IN (SELECT inv_num FROM #InvoiceList)

    AND ih.inv_num like 'G%'

    AND ih.price > 0


    -- reconstruct the debits query and run results into temp table #debits


    Belegdatum= InvDate,

    Buchungsdatum= BookDate,

    Buchungstext= InvText,

    Buchungsbetrag= ((LinePrice - LineDisc) * LineTax) + (LinePrice - LineDisc),

    Sollkonto= DEBIT,

    Habenkonto= CREDIT

    INTO #Debits

    FROM (


    InvDate= CONVERT(DATETIME, ih.inv_date, 104),

    BookDate= GETDATE(),

    InvText= ca.name + ' ' + dbo.NonExpandKy(10, ii.inv_num) + '/1',

    LinePrice= ii.qty_invoiced * ii.price,

    LineDisc= ih.disc_amount / COUNT(ii.inv_line) OVER(PARTITION BY ih.inv_num), --The disc_amount is a whole number in the header table, not line by line

    LineTax= CASE

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 IN ('EU', 'NON-EU') THEN 0

    ELSE ix.tax_rate/100 END,


    WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'EU' THEN x.eu_account

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 = 'NON-EU' THEN x.noneu_account

    WHEN ih.tax_code1 IS NULL THEN x.inland_account



    FROM inv_hdr ih

    INNER JOIN inv_item ii on ih.inv_num = ii.inv_num

    CROSS APPLY ( -- read the lookup just once

    SELECT eu_account, noneu_account, inland_account

    FROM ViewForTaxAccts xi

    WHERE xi.item = ii.item

    ) x

    LEFT JOIN inv_stax ix on ih.inv_num = ix.inv_num

    INNER JOIN item i on ii.item = i.item

    INNER JOIN customer c on ih.cust_num = c.cust_num and c.cust_seq = ih.cust_seq

    INNER join custaddr ca on ih.cust_num = ca.cust_num and ih.cust_seq = ca.cust_seq

    WHERE ih.inv_num IN (SELECT inv_num FROM #InvoiceList)

    AND ih.inv_num LIKE 'G%'

    AND ii.price > 0

    ) d

    -- now compare the two temp tables, #Credits and #Debits

    -- consider aggregating the #debits table

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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