Login Failure due to Mirroring for Report Server

  • I have set up two SQL Server 2012 (Standard Edition) boxes running Report Server. I configured the two Servers (Server A and Server B) to be mirrored. All working just fine. I have failed over and failed back still everything working fine. What I have noticed that in the Server Log errors on Server B (mirror server) that I keep getting the error : "Login failed for user 'Service Login Account'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'ReportServer'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]." I can understand why this would happen as the Report Server is not available for connection but was wondering if this could somehow be turned off as it fills up the error log without any useful information. I tried stopping Report Server Services, while that stopped the error, it also dissconnected mirroring and I had to go back and start mirroring from scratch. I know mirroring for Report Server is a bit different than normal User databases but I would think there should be some way to mirror the Database without generating all these errors. Any insight or workaround would be greatly appreciated...

    Thanks in Advance...

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