Inner Join with SubQuery

  • I am running a Inner Join to the same table I am creating a Subquery on and I don't get the results I am expecting.

    This is my query:

    Select *

    FROM (

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvAmt_Sum ORDER BY ChkNbr DESC)

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

    Where S2.Cnt > 2

    AND InvAmt_Sum < 0

    ) NegQry

    Where rn = 1

    I get strange results. In my source table, I have these 6 records:

    vndnbr | InvNbr | InvAmt

    687840 | 423099 | -23.000000

    687840 | 423099 | -23.000000

    687840 | 423099 | 23.000000

    603031 | 106541 | -781.410000

    603031 | 106541 | -781.410000

    603031 | 106541 | 781.410000

    When I run the query,

    I only get this record return in the table:

    603031 | 106541 | -781.410000

    But when i run the query to test it with this filter, it returns the 1 missing record:

    Select *

    -- Into AS_Workspace.dbo.StdPmt_InvAmt_SUM_TEST

    FROM (

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvAmt_Sum ORDER BY ChkNbr DESC)

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

    Where S2.Cnt > 2

    AND InvAmt_Sum < 0

    and S2.VndNbr = '687840' and S2.InvNbr = '423099'

    ) NegQry

    WHERE rn = 1


    vndnbr | InvNbr | InvAmt

    687840 | 423099 | -23.000000

    Why does it do that?

  • here's a test scenario in a ready to use format, returning the expected(?) result.

    So, I don't see anything wrong with the code.

    declare @tbl table(vndnbr int, InvNbr int, InvAmt numeric(18,6),ChkNbr int)

    insert into @tbl

    SELECT 687840 , 423099 , -23.000000,1 union all

    SELECT 687840 , 423099 , -23.000000,2 union all

    SELECT 687840 , 423099 , 23.000000,3 union all

    SELECT 603031 , 106541 , -781.410000,1 union all

    SELECT 603031 , 106541 , -781.410000,1 union all

    SELECT 603031 , 106541 , 781.410000,1

    Select *

    FROM (

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvAmt_Sum ORDER BY ChkNbr DESC)

    From @tbl as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From @tbl

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

    Where S2.Cnt > 2

    AND InvAmt_Sum < 0

    ) NegQry

    Where rn = 1

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  • Here's the full code. I don't think the rest of it would affect the results, but you tell me?

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt, Cast(Null as Integer) as rn

    Into AS_Workspace.dbo.StdPmt_InvAmt_SUM7

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt <> S2.InvAmt_Sum

    AND S2.InvAmt_Sum > 0

    Where S2.Cnt = 2


    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt, Cast(Null as Integer) as rn

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt <> S2.InvAmt_Sum

    AND S2.InvAmt_Sum > 0

    Where S2.Cnt > 2

    AND NOT EXISTS(Select InvAmt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S3

    WhereS2.InvNbr = S3.InvNbr

    AND S2.VndNbr = S3.VndNbr

    AND S2.InvAmt_Sum = S3.InvAmt )


    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt, Cast(Null as Integer) as rn

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

    AND S2.InvAmt_Sum > 0

    Where S2.Cnt > 0


    -- Insert records to get Invoices with more than 2 records that don't equal 0 and have a negative amount of the sum of invamt.

    --Pull in 1 of the 2 Negative records.

    --Insert Into AS_Workspace.dbo.StdPmt_InvAmt_SUM2(VndNbr, VndName, InvNbr, InvDt, InvAmt, NetAmt, FInvAmt, DiscAmt, FDiscAmt, TaxBaseAmt, GSTAmt, FGstAmt, InvCurCd, InvStat, PmtTrms, BatNbr, PONbr, CstCntr, Cmpy, VchNbr, TrTyp, Descr, TaxCd, AdjDoc, Void, chknbr, ChkAmt, ChkCurr, ChkDt, ChkClearDt, ChkTyp, VndBnkAcct, AmtPaid, Chk_payId, ChkBatNbr, void_gl_date, VatPct, DiscPct, Cnt, rn)

    Select *

    FROM (

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvAmt_Sum ORDER BY ChkNbr DESC)

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt as S1

    Inner join ( Select VndNbr, InvNbr, Sum(InvAmt) as InvAmt_Sum, Count(*) as Cnt

    From FSW_NZ_JDE_Apr05_Sep12_C.dbo.StdPmt

    Group By VndNbr, InvNbr) as S2

    ON S1.InvNbr = S2.InvNbr

    AND S1.VndNbr = S2.VndNbr

    AND S1.InvAmt = S2.InvAmt_Sum

    Where S2.Cnt > 2

    AND InvAmt_Sum < 0

    ) NegQry

    WHERE rn = 1

  • I tried your code (with replaced table name) and it still return the same data as before (2 rows).

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  • Ok, I think I found the issue, but don't know how to change this to fix it.

    The problem seems to be with this code:

    Select S1.*, S2.Cnt , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvAmt_Sum ORDER BY batNbr DESC)

    specifically this:


    I think this is creating an issue. The rn should count incrementally by VndNbr, InvNbr.

  • If you want to restart with 1 for each new combination of VndNbr, InvNbr then you should change it to


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  • Thanks!

    that fixed my problem.

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