Needed Help

  • declare @LinkedServer varchar(15)

    declare @DatabaseName varchar(20)

    declare @SQL varchar(250)

    set @LinkedServer = '[SURE]'

    set @DatabaseName = 'master'

    --select * from @LinkedServer.@DatabaseName.sys.databases

    set @SQL = 'select * from '+@LinkedServer+'.'+@DatabaseName+'.sys.databases'

    print @SQL

    exec @SQL

    ---- Result

    select * from [SURE].master.sys.databases

    Msg 203, Level 16, State 2, Line 10

    The name 'select * from [SURE].master.sys.databases' is not a valid identifier.

    Working Perfectly:

    select * from[SURE].master.sys.databases

  • Hi - you've got some missing brackets here. You can either use:-

    exec (@SQL)


    exec sp_executesql @SQL

    If you use the second method you will have to declare @sql as ntext, nchar or nvarchar

    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

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