Extra empty line when using visibility and toggle in SSRS.

  • I have this setup for my report, (Produkt = Product, Belopp = Amount)

    I have set the properties for the Quarter & Months as following:

    Hidden: True

    InitialToggleState: False

    ToggleItem: Quarter (for Months) & Year (for Quarter)

    I am getting these extra lines which are placed were the expanded information (quarter & months) will be placed. The result is the following:

    As you can see I have also merged the cells under "Produkt" for nicer looks. This has no impact on the result.

    Next view when expanding Quarter:

    Next view when expanding Months:

    Now, I would like to NOT see the extra line when open the report, how can i achieve this?

  • Hi,

    What extra line are you talking about ?

    I don't get it sorry.

    Did you use the "group hidden properties" or the "textbox hidden properties" ?

    Maybe you need to use the advanced grouping and select the static group to hide ??

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

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