SQL failed logins are appearing in the error log but application user failed logins aren't?

  • I'm having an issue where SQL failed logins i.e. my admin account or any user accessing SQL from the database server it self is being logged in the error log.

    Thats fine but the problem I'm having is the account from the application (SharePoint) is trying to access the SQL database but is failing to connect. Should this also appear in the SQL error log? If not is there a way I can check why the application account is failing? I can connect to the database server from my laptop so it's not an issue with remote login.

    Many thanks in advance for any assistance

  • If the application is failing to connect but here is no failed login attempt in the SQL log, I'd verify the instanace name is correct on the applicaiton side, and that there's no firewall issue in the way.

  • I would say its not getting as far as SQL, so look elsewhere as Dan says.


  • thanks for the reply! I've checked the instance name is correct and the firewall is ok. The app has been running successfully for 6 months. I've actually found the reason for the failure. The account is a domain account and the password was accidently changed on live instead of on test. The password is hardcoded (not my doing) in to their connection string so that would cause the login failure but I'm concerned that the failed login didn't appear in the SQL log. I'm starting to think that it hits windows athentication before it moves to SQL authentication so it never actually gets to try to log in to SQL. Would anyone know if that's the case? I'm trolling the net and I cant find anything on it 🙁

  • ah confirmation! Thanks Geoge and Dan! I was pretty sure it wasn't reaching SQL but the apps guys were telling me it was so I was starting to doubt myself.

  • if you have got failed login auditing turned on and you don't see login failures in the log, it ain't getting as far as sql. 🙂


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