Report Services / Upgrade from Standard to Enterprise

  • Hello - I am trying to do a an upgrade from Standard to Enterprise using the SQL Server Installation center (Maintenance | Edition upgrade)

    During setup I get the following error: "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it."

    The summary file (shown in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20130416_141115) shows it fails when it gets to report services.

    I followed the steps to remover report services

    Still, same error - I then tried installing Report Services to make it happy - but the setup thinks report services is still there.

    Any advice on either installing it or getting rid of Report Services so I can upgrade would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


  • Check the services running from Config Manager. Check all are enabled.

    I just did this last week. You can follow the instructions from -

    It should run and upgrade in minutes..

    Hope this helps...!

    - Win
    "Dont Judge a Book by its Cover"

  • Thank you - that was it.

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