Data mining introduction part 4: the Naïve Bayes algorithm

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Data mining introduction part 4: the Naïve Bayes algorithm

  • I know I'm posting the obvious here but I would have liked making income a discrete item by dividing the values into ranges and selecting on that.

  • I love this article -- this is my first exposure to data mining, and it really helped me "get it."

    That said, PLEASE have someone with good English skills proofread and edit your posts before you post them. Typos and poor grammar seriously detract from the professionalism I assume you would like to project, and distract and confuse the reader. This goes for ALL technical folks out there. Just because you aren't an English major, that doesn't mean you should not make grammatically decent posts.

  • Daniel you are God's sent....Best article for me....My professor makes it look sooooooooooooo difficult and here you are breaking it down like ABC.....Thanks

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