SSRS 2008 R2 - SEGMENT table

  • Hello All,

    We are using SQL server 2008 R2 SSRS. The segment table in the SSRS database (Not SSRS Tempdb database) is extremely large. How does this table get populated and how can I tell what reports are consuming it. Can I truncate the table or delete some rows?

    Any information is greatly appreciated.



  • AS far as what is, from

    For SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, many of the insertions are performed to the ChunkData, SnapshotData, and SessionData tables. But SQL Server 2008 in general does not write to these tables. They exist in the catalog to support the upgrade of pre-2008 catalog. SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services uses a new snapshot storage mechanism that shreds chunks across multiple rows in a table named Segment. For SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, this table generally takes on the majority of transactions of the RSTempDB database.

    So it stores the snapshots of reports.

    I'm not sure how you'd clean it up, beyond changing the snapshot setting on the report server. If you go to http://[your server name here]/reports/pages/settings.aspx there is a property for how many snapshots to store in the report server per report. The default is unlimited, so changing this setting will reduce the size of the Segment table.

  • Thanks for the feedback, we'll investigate that option.

    Thanjs again.

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