Getting Grand Total of a calculated member

  • I have a calculated member in my cube called [LY Pounds]. I need to get the grand total of [LY Pounds] as displayed in the cube browser against my time dimension Fiscal Period hierarchy in another calculated member for comparison.

    The Fiscal Period hierarchy contains Year and month attributes.


    AS ([Measures].[Total Pounds],parallelperiod([Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period Hierarchy].[Year],1,[Fiscal Period_2].[Fiscal Period Hierarchy].currentmember)),

    FORMAT_STRING = "#,#",

    VISIBLE = 1;

    I know that [Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Period Hierarchy].[All] will get the grand total. But I don't know how to get the [LY Pounds] of all members against fiscal period hierarchy. Could anyone please help me? Thanks.

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