Cannot scan a remote server with SQL Server BPA 1.0

  • Hello gents

    I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 BPA 1.0 wrapped in Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer 2.0 on my workstation and can perform normal scan on my local sql server instance. However, when I tried it to connect to a remote server, it kept reporting the following error:

    Category: Prerequisite

    Source: <servernmae>


    1. User is not a member of Administrators group on remote machine, OR

    2. Powershell Remoting is not Enabled on Remote Server

    Impact: Analysis cannot be performed


    1. Add user as a member of Administrators group, OR

    2. Run Commands Enable-PSRemoting -f through PowerShell command prompt using elevated privileges, AND

    3. Run Command winrm set winrm/config/winrs `@`{MaxShellsPerUser=`"10`"`} through PowerShell command prompt using elevated privileges

    I've verfied all three pre-requisites (being a local admin for my own AD account, executed the ps commands with elevated privileges) listed above and also turned off Windows Firewall on this target server but still have no luck at all.

    Do you have any other directions to point out for me?

    Thanks in anticipation!


    The target server is not clustered, just a standalone physical box; both my worksation and the server are in the same domain; my AD account has been explicitly added to local windows admin group and sysadmin role on the server and its hosted sql instance.


  • Ever get an answer on this? I'm having the same problem.

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