Page Counter not woking properly

  • I have a report. My report has 898 pages.

    When i first load the report the page counter states that the report is:

    1 of 2 ?

    Then when i click next page it states

    2 of 3 ?

    Then 3 of 4 ?

    and so forth. Does anyone know why this happens in Report Manager.

    I would imagine that when the report loads it should state: 1 of 898, then when you click next 2 of 898.

  • I believe this is because each page of the report is rendered as you go through them. If you hit the double arrow to take you to the last page, then SSRS "knows" you have 898 pages and will then display the number of pages properly.

  • You can always use something like =CountRows("DataSetName") to show the total number of records returned from the data set. The Report Viewer renders the information so the page count will not show the total page count. But you can add the record count using code on the report itself.



  • please make at bottom expression as below

    ="Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages



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