Access ADODB call to SQL function

  • Help needed here!

    I've got a system made out of: Access front-end + SQL Server back-end (typical).

    I need to call from Access VBA a function in SQL Server, but I can't get it to run, some detail is missing. Say the SQL function is called XFunc(@id INT), so it has one parameter @id.

    The ADODB code then would look sth like:

    Dim cmd as NEW adodb.command

    cmd.activeconnection = <the connexion you've set up>

    cmd.CommandText = "XFunc"

    cmd.Parameters = ??????????


    I've tried this but VBA throws an error, either I'm missing the parameter @id when calling XFunc, or there is a specific ADODB command to call function (and maybe I'm using the stored procedures one).

    What am I missing here? Are there any good sources of ADODB documentation you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance, A.

  • a_ud (3/13/2013)

    Help needed here!

    I'm got a system made out of: Access front-end + SQL Server back-end (typical).

    I need to call from Access VBA a function in SQL Server, but I can't get it to run, some detail is missing. Say the SQL function is called XFunc(@id INT), so it has one parameter @id.

    The code then would look sth like:

    Dim cmd as NEW adodb.command

    cmd.activeconnection = <the connexion you've set up>

    cmd.CommandText = "XFunc"

    cmd.Parameters = ??????????


    I've tried this but VBA throws an error, either I'm missing the parameter @id when calling XFunc, or there is a specific ADODB command to call function (and maybe I'm using the stored procedures one).

    What am I missing here? Are there any good sources of ADODB documentation you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance, A.

    That isn't quite how sql functions work.

    Something like this should work.

    select dbo.XFunc(@Parm)


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  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks, that helps, but could you complete it?

    So let's say you've got a string var 'X' and want to return the function result there. Would this be the code for that?

    dim X as String

    X = Docmd.RunSQL "select " & dbo.XFunc(@Parm)

    Thanks in advance, A.

  • I don't remember all of the syntax off the top of my head and I haven't used this in several years. I will do my best but google will likely fill in the holes and syntax issues. This is reasonably close IIRC.

    Let's say you have a scalar function called MyFunction that receives a single parameter.

    sql = "select dbo.MyFunction(?)"

    dim myParam as new ADODB.Parameter

    myParam.Value = [The value to pass in]

    command.Parameters.Append myParam

    dim rs as new ADODB.RecordSet

    set rs = command.Execute()


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