Multiple Choice and Hidden Reports

  • On Report Builder 3.0 I have created 6 reports that are hidden unless it is selected in a parameter:

    Report Code Visibility string:

    =iif(Parameters!WhichReport.Value(0) = "Occupancy", False, True)

    But what I want to do is make the Parameter a multiple select parameter so someone can choose two charts instead of 1 or choose all 6 etc but whatever selection is made all other reports need to stay hidden. Can this be done and if so how?



  • The only way I thought of is definately a ugly workaround. I usualy pass multi values parameters to reports, not use them in the report itself.

    You could pass your MV parameter to a db Stored Proc as a string using =Join(@ParamName.Value,",")

    Then in the SP split the values into a result set and return that.

    you'd start with "value1,value2,Value3"

    and get as a dataset




    Then use those values to control your Visibility.

  • One thing off the top of my head. The Join function will create a string of selected values.

    Put this in each sub report definition.


    One thing to note.

    All Sub reports will "fire" even if you do not have the visble flag set to true. Meaning the queries for all 6 reports will execute.

    One way to cheat is add a parameter that the proc will use if its "false" then it will return an empty recordset that executes immediatelly. Or if your passing a daterange to the subreport make the endDate before the startdate, and it will execute immediatelly and return no rows. Make sense?

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