How to delete any backup files based on CURRENT day in a daily schedule.

  • How to delete any backup files based on CURRENT day in a daily schedule.

    I create a sql script as follows. Its purpose is deleting any backup files created 2 days ago, based on current day, in a specified directory. The job runs everyday in a daily schedule.

    However,my script does not work at all.

    It only work at the very first day. After the first day,it does not work.

    At the very first day, it delete files created 2 days ago.

    At the second day, it delete files created 3 days ago.

    At the third day, it delete files created 4 days ago.


    Actually, I want it to delete files which are created 2 days ago whatever day the script run at.

    How can I fix it? Please help.


    Daily, delete any backup files that are 2 days ago based on current day in "daily" schedule.


    declare @filedir varchar(max)

    set @filedir = 'c:\SQLBackups\Full\AdventureWorksDW';

    declare @twodaysago varchar(50) = cast(DATEADD(day,-2,GETDATE()) as varchar)

    print @twodaysago

    declare @comm2 varchar(max)

    set @comm2 = 'EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,"' + @filedir + '",'+ '"bak"' +',"'+ @twodaysago + '"'

    print @comm2

    DECLARE @ReturnCode INT

    SELECT @ReturnCode = 0

    DECLARE @jobId BINARY(16)

    use msdb;

    -- add a job

    EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest4tmp';

    -- add job steps to job

    EXEC sp_add_jobstep

    @job_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest4tmp',

    @step_name = 'AdventureWorksDW db backup test42tmp',

    @subsystem = 'TSQL',

    @command = @comm2,

    @retry_attempts = 5,

    @retry_interval = 5;

    -- create a schedule for this job

    EXEC sp_add_schedule

    @schedule_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest43tmp',











    -- attach the schedule to the job

    EXEC sp_attach_schedule

    @job_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest4tmp',

    @schedule_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest43tmp';

    EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @server_name = N'(local)',@job_name = 'AdventureWorksDWdbbackuptest4tmp';

  • You may need to specify the extension of the file in the file name. Also it appears you are recreating the job everyday, If the job with that name already exists, then an exception will be raised.


  • Is your purpose to not have any files more than 2 days old ?

    You could try the Windows utility FORFILES. It has different syntax based on your Windows version. I use it to delete files older than 'X' days.

    It only takes 1 line of code and you specify the path and file extension or *.*

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