I Think This Join Statement is Making Me Crazy(er)

  • I feel like I've been staring at this statement for hours and just keep mangling it more. Any help would be appreciated.

    I want to select all records from tipTransactionPivot and salesExport. If there are the same values for rvcID, employeeID, and businessDate, then I want to join them. Otherwise, I'd like to return them with null values for the other table.

    I also want to get certain values from the employee table joined on either the microsEmployeeNumber (in the case of salesExport) or employeeID (in the case of tipTransactionPivot).

    Like I said, I probably have this pretty mangled at this point, so I'm sure there is a better way to do it.

    P.S. I know it would be better to do some of this in an application rather than in SQL, but it isn't really an option, so I need to return SQL results from a single query if at all possible.

    SELECT dbo.salesExport.businessDate, dbo.salesExport.rvcID, dbo.employee.employeeID, dbo.employee.employeeFName, dbo.employee.employeeLName,

    dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts, dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts - dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts,

    dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts, dbo.salesExport.discountTotal, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2),

    dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS bqt20Sales,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts + dbo.salesExport.discountTotal) + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1)

    + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, dbo.salesExport.chargedTips, dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTips, 0) AS cashTips, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM dbo.employee AS employee_1 INNER JOIN

    dbo.tipTransactionPivot ON employee_1.employeeID = dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID FULL OUTER JOIN

    dbo.employee RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.salesExport ON dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber = dbo.salesExport.microsEmployeeNumber ON

    employee_1.microsEmployeeNumber = dbo.salesExport.microsEmployeeNumber AND

    dbo.tipTransactionPivot.businessDate = dbo.salesExport.businessDate AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.rvcID = dbo.salesExport.rvcID

  • Hello,

    Please try below query...may be you have to tweak it to suit your requirement....hope this helps

    SELECTdbo.salesExport.businessDate, dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    , dbo.employee.employeeID, dbo.employee.employeeFName, dbo.employee.employeeLName

    , dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts, dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts - dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts

    , dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts, dbo.salesExport.discountTotal, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2),

    dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS bqt20Sales,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts + dbo.salesExport.discountTotal) + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1)

    + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, dbo.salesExport.chargedTips, dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTips, 0) AS cashTips, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM dbo.tipTransactionPivot

    FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.salesExport

    ON dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID = dbo.salesExport.microsEmployeeNumber

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.businessDate = dbo.salesExport.businessDate

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.rvcID = dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.employee

    ON dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber = dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID

  • You appear to have 2 'ON' clauses in the RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

    You could use aliases to simplify the code & make it more readable...

    Like this:

    SELECT SAL.businessDate, SAL.rvcID, EMP2.employeeID, EMP2.employeeFName, EMP2.employeeLName,

    SAL.chargedReceipts, SAL.grossReceipts - SAL.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts,

    SAL.grossReceipts, SAL.discountTotal, SAL.bqtSvc19, SAL.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2),

    SAL.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), SAL.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS bqt20Sales,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((SAL.grossReceipts + SAL.discountTotal) + SAL.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1)

    + SAL.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, SAL.chargedTips, EMP1.microsEmployeeNumber,

    ISNULL(PIV.cashTips, 0) AS cashTips, ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut,

    ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut,

    ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM dbo.tipTransactionPivot PIV FULL OUTER JOIN

    dbo.salesExport SAL ON SAL.rvcID = PIV.rvcID and SAL.employeeID = PIV.employeeID and SAL.businessDate = PIV.businessDate LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.employee EMP1 ON EMP1.employeeID = PIV.employeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.employee EMP2 ON EMP2.employeeID = SAL.microsEmployeeNumber

    Note that EMP1.microsEmployeeNumber should be SAL.microsEmployeeNumber I think...

  • I tried this, but I'm having the same problem I seem to have had with the other approaches I've taken. In this case, I'm getting a number of NULL values for the information that is coming from the employee table (I believe for everything that doesn't have a matching entry in the tipTransactionPivot table).

    asiaindian (2/21/2013)


    Please try below query...may be you have to tweak it to suit your requirement....hope this helps

    SELECTdbo.salesExport.businessDate, dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    , dbo.employee.employeeID, dbo.employee.employeeFName, dbo.employee.employeeLName

    , dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts, dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts - dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts

    , dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts, dbo.salesExport.discountTotal, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2),

    dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS bqt20Sales,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts + dbo.salesExport.discountTotal) + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1)

    + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, dbo.salesExport.chargedTips, dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTips, 0) AS cashTips, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM dbo.tipTransactionPivot

    FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.salesExport

    ON dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID = dbo.salesExport.microsEmployeeNumber

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.businessDate = dbo.salesExport.businessDate

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.rvcID = dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.employee

    ON dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber = dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID

  • Is this code generated by a tool?

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]

  • ChrisM@home (2/21/2013)

    Is this code generated by a tool?

    SQL Query Designer - since I can't seem to get there manually, either.

  • mkswanson (2/21/2013)

    I tried this, but I'm having the same problem I seem to have had with the other approaches I've taken. In this case, I'm getting a number of NULL values for the information that is coming from the employee table (I believe for everything that doesn't have a matching entry in the tipTransactionPivot table).

    asiaindian (2/21/2013)


    Please try below query...may be you have to tweak it to suit your requirement....hope this helps

    SELECTdbo.salesExport.businessDate, dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    , dbo.employee.employeeID, dbo.employee.employeeFName, dbo.employee.employeeLName

    , dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts, dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts - dbo.salesExport.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts

    , dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts, dbo.salesExport.discountTotal, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19, dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2),

    dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS bqt20Sales,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((dbo.salesExport.grossReceipts + dbo.salesExport.discountTotal) + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1)

    + dbo.salesExport.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, dbo.salesExport.chargedTips, dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTips, 0) AS cashTips, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut,

    ISNULL(dbo.tipTransactionPivot.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM dbo.tipTransactionPivot

    FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.salesExport

    ON dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID = dbo.salesExport.microsEmployeeNumber

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.businessDate = dbo.salesExport.businessDate

    AND dbo.tipTransactionPivot.rvcID = dbo.salesExport.rvcID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.employee

    ON dbo.employee.microsEmployeeNumber = dbo.tipTransactionPivot.employeeID

    You need to join to Employee twice - once for each main tablein the query. Since either table may have null values in the row, you must 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' to Employee. this will result in null values in Employee - so you must make sure you refer to the values of the correct instance of Employee.

    For instance, if dbo.salesExport is non-null & it is joined to EMP1 - EMP1 values will be non-null. If in the same row, dbo.tipTransactionPivot has null values (ie no matching records), then EMP2 will have null values.

  • Success! Thanks for everyone's help!

    SELECT SAL.businessDate, SAL.rvcID, EMP1.employeeID, EMP1.employeeFName, EMP1.employeeLName, SAL.chargedReceipts, SAL.grossReceipts - SAL.chargedReceipts AS otherReceipts,

    SAL.grossReceipts, SAL.discountTotal, SAL.bqtSvc19, SAL.bqtSvc20, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), SAL.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) AS bqt19Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), SAL.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1)

    AS bqt20Sales, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), ((SAL.grossReceipts + SAL.discountTotal) + SAL.bqtSvc19 / 0.19 * - 1) + SAL.bqtSvc20 / 0.20 * - 1) AS netSales, SAL.chargedTips, ISNULL(PIV.cashTips, 0)

    AS cashTips, ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsOut, 0) AS cashTipsOut, ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut, ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn


    salesExport AS SAL ON EMP1.microsEmployeeNumber = SAL.microsEmployeeNumber LEFT OUTER JOIN

    tipTransactionPivot AS PIV ON SAL.rvcID = PIV.rvcID AND SAL.microsEmployeeNumber = PIV.microsEmployeeNumber AND SAL.businessDate = PIV.businessDate

    WHERE (EMP1.employeeID IS NOT NULL)


    SELECT PIV.businessDate, PIV.rvcID, EMP2.employeeID, EMP2.employeeFName, EMP2.employeeLName, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr1, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr2,

    CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr3, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr4, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr5, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr6, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0')

    AS Expr7, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr8, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr9, CONVERT(numeric(18, 2), '0') AS Expr10, ISNULL(PIV.cashTips, 0) AS Expr11, ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsOut, 0)

    AS cashTipsOut, ISNULL(PIV.cashTipsIn, 0) AS cashTipsIn, ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsOut, 0) AS chargeTipsOut, ISNULL(PIV.chargeTipsIn, 0) AS chargeTipsIn

    FROM tipTransactionPivot AS PIV LEFT OUTER JOIN

    employee AS EMP2 ON PIV.microsEmployeeNumber = EMP2.microsEmployeeNumber FULL OUTER JOIN

    salesExport AS SAL ON PIV.rvcID = SAL.rvcID AND PIV.microsEmployeeNumber = SAL.microsEmployeeNumber AND PIV.businessDate = SAL.businessDate

    WHERE (SAL.businessDate IS NULL)

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