Export Fails with Image in Report Column

  • Hi All,

    I know I can't be the first person to encounter this problem, and everything I've read on MSDN says you can't hide anything on export. Here is the deal. I've got a report and in the first column I've got an image that I am using as a link to a .aspx page (you guessed it, a cute little pencil and paper icon indicating a way to edit a record). NO issues there, everything works fine. The only problem is that when anyone tries to Export my report to excel, Excel then throws an error after the report is downloaded saying that the file is unreadable.

    My first reaction was to look for a property, or any mechanism really, that would allow me to hide the offending column on export. I am assuming its the image column because I made a copy of the report and removed that column and the export functions fine. Any help is appreciated.:w00t:

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