how to count in sql?

  • hi i would like to understand how to count in sql with different parameters?

    for example i have

    Date, firstname, name, nationality , mode, origine, id

    1/1/2010 teste teste1 fr in p 01

    15/07/2005 toto tata lb out L 02

    01/03/2012 teste teste1 fr in P 01

    i would like to know how many poeple have the most entry in my database

    for example here teste teste1 with Id 01 have the most entry it's 2 record

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    result i need is for example

    id 01 = 2 entry

    id 02= 1 entry

    thanks to help

  • asco5 (2/7/2013)

    hi i would like to understand how to count in sql with different parameters?

    for example i have

    Date, firstname, name, nationality , mode, origine, id

    1/1/2010 teste teste1 fr in p 01

    15/07/2005 toto tata lb out L 02

    01/03/2012 teste teste1 fr in P 01

    i would like to know how many poeple have the most entry in my database

    for example here teste teste1 with Id 01 have the most entry it's 2 record

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    result i need is for example

    id 01 = 2 entry

    id 02= 1 entry

    thanks to help

    select top 100 ID, count(*)

    from YourTable

    group by ID

    Order by count(*)

    I think that should be close to what you are looking for.


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  • asco5 (2/7/2013)

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    How do you want to handle tied counts?

    I'm thinking a RANK() or DENSE_RANK() might be more appropriate than TOP 100.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

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    My advice:
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    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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  • dwain.c (2/7/2013)

    asco5 (2/7/2013)

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    How do you want to handle tied counts?

    I'm thinking a RANK() or DENSE_RANK() might be more appropriate than TOP 100.

    I think it should be the Rank() or Dense_Rank()

    as asked

    i would like to know how many poeple have the most entry in my database

    for example here teste teste1 with Id 01 have the most entry it's 2 record

    so i need to know the top 100 of poeple who have the most entry

    It's for the most entry ; It could be 100 or less than 100 ; by ranking function it could be determined appropriately..

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • hi i tried first one

    select top 100 cause i need only the 100 first people who have the most entry

    so i did

    select top 100 ID,

    count (*)

    from [database].


    group by id

    order by count (*);

    i received an error

    column [database].


    is invalid in the select list because it is not contained

    in either aggregate function or the group by clause

    thanks for heping

  • this

    select top 100 ID,

    count (*)

    from [database].


    group by id

    order by count (*);

    should be

    select top 100 ID,

    count (*) myCount

    from [database].


    group by id

    order by myCount;

    to order by the Count you need to alias it and then reference that in the orderby, dont use Ordinal positions as its a pain to workout column 42 of a 100 column select, even worse when someone adds a 2 or more new columns a head of it.

    Besides I understand that sorting by the ordinal is going to be depreciated in a later version.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • still same probleme not working same error

  • select top 100 ID,

    count (ID) myCount

    from [database].


    group by id

    order by myCount;

    You cant use a * in an aggregate query unless you group by every column in the table

    select top 100 ID,

    count (*) myCount

    from [database].


    group by id, col2, col3, col4, col5......................................

    order by myCount;

  • still not working

  • what is not working? error message? incorrect data outputted? more information please?

  • i still have the same error message

    this is what i wrote:

    select top 100 id, personid,name, firstname,

    count (*) mycount

    from [database].


    group by id, personid,name, firstname

    order by mycount;

    and i have the same error saying:

    column is invalid.....

  • declare @counting table ([date] date, firstname char(10), name char(10), nationality char(2), mode char(3), origine char(1), ID char(2))

    INSERT INTO @counting values






    COUNT(ID) MyCount





  • hi i don't want to insert

    i just need to know in my table

    who are the id that have the most record depending on their ID and date.

    each id is nunique and its for one person

    but sometimes this id is repeated depending on the date

    so on date 1 i have id 1

    on date2 i have id1

    on date 3 i have id2

    so the id have many record on different times

    i need to know how many time i have id1, and id2 etc...

    example : id 1 have 45 times recorder

    that all

  • Well just change the @counting in the select to your table name

    The table variable and insert is to create a testing environment using readily consumable data which someone can just pick up and generate a solution. It is part of the forum etiquette when posting T-SQL questions to provide this information. Take a look in the second link in my signature, and it should explain more as to why I have done that bit of code.

  • Jason-299789 (2/8/2013)

    to order by the Count you need to alias it and then reference that in the orderby (2/8/2013)

    You cant use a * in an aggregate query unless you group by every column in the table

    I hate to disagree with both of you but you are both incorrect on this. You do not have to name the aggregate to sort it and you don't have to group by every column when using count.

    if object_id('tempdb..#Aggregate') is not null

    drop table #Aggregate

    create table #Aggregate


    ID int identity,

    SomeValue varchar(50)


    insert #Aggregate

    select top 100 name from sys.objects

    select ID, count(*)

    from #Aggregate

    group by ID

    order by count(*)


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