Next business day, partial holiday calendar

  • Hi All,

    I am used to working with a calendar table that has a record for each day. Now I need to work with a table of holidays only.

    My requirement is to find the next business day.

    So logically, based on GETDATE() what is the next day that is not a Saturday or Sunday where that date does not exist in the #Holidays table.

    I imagine I could do the loop + 1, check the variable and the do the loop as many time as needed but that would be sad.

    Thanks if you can help.

    CREATE TABLE #Holidays (HolidayDate datetime, IsHoliday char(1))

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-03-29 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    SELECT * FROM #Holidays

  • Chrissy321 (1/31/2013)

    Hi All,

    I am used to working with a calendar table that has a record for each day. Now I need to work with a table of holidays only.

    My requirement is to find the next business day.

    So logically, based on GETDATE() what is the next day that is not a Saturday or Sunday where that date does not exist in the #Holidays table.

    I imagine I could do the loop + 1, check the variable and the do the loop as many time as needed but that would be sad.

    Thanks if you can help.

    CREATE TABLE #Holidays (HolidayDate datetime, IsHoliday char(1))

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-03-29 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    SELECT * FROM #Holidays

    By using EXCEPT

    Something like this.

    select min(CalendarTableDate)

    from CalendarTable

    where CalenderTableDate > getdate()


    select min(HolidayDate)

    from #Holidays

    where HolidayData > getdate()


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  • I don't have a calendar table, its a vendor provided database with a holidays table only.

    So I almost need to generate my calendar table on the fly. Or generate enough of a calendar table to definitively include the next business day.


    --This temp table is similar in structure to the vendor provided permanent table

    CREATE TABLE #Holidays (HolidayDate datetime, IsHoliday char(1))

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-03-29 00:00:00.000', 'Y');

    WITH Calendar as


    SELECT getdate() AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+1 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+2 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+3 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+4 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+5 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+6 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+7 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+8 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+9 AS CalendarDate UNION

    SELECT getdate()+10 AS CalendarDate




    FROM Calendar


    CalendarDate > getdate()




    FROM #Holidays


    HolidayDate > getdate() AND

    DATEPART(dd,HolidayDate) NOT IN (7,1)

    DROP TABLE #Holidays

  • You don't want to use datepart(day...) here. That will return the day of the month. You want to use datepart(weekday...)

    I like to use the full word instead of the abbreviation because it is much easier to read. So I use day instead dd etc.

    If you have a tally table (you do right?), you can use it here.

    SELECT min(NewDate)

    FROM #Holidays

    cross apply


    select dateadd(day, N, HolidayDate) as NewDate

    from Tally where N < 8


    where HolidayDate > getdate()

    and DATEPART(weekday, NewDate) NOT IN (7,1)


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  • This almost works based on a post by The Dixie Flatline here:

    His table has weekends in it, mine doesn't. I'm not sure where I can put the weekend restriction. My futile attempt to ungracefully add IF DATEPART(weekday, @future_date) = 7 fails because it is not 'holiday-aware'.

    This can be demonstrated by setting the date to '2/15/2013'

    set @start_date = '2/15/2013'

    CREATE TABLE #Holidays (HolidayDate datetime, IsHoliday char(1))

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-03-29 00:00:00.000', 'Y');

    declare @start_Date datetime

    declare @future_Date datetime

    declare @bizDays int

    set @start_date = '2/1/2013'

    set @bizdays = 1


    top (@bizdays) @future_date = @start_Date + n

    from tally t with(nolock)

    left join #Holidays h with(nolock) on HolidayDate = @start_Date + n

    where HolidayDate is null

    DROP TABLE #Holidays

    select @future_date

    IF DATEPART(weekday, @future_date) = 7 SET @future_date = DATEADD(day,2,@future_date)

    IF DATEPART(weekday, @future_date) = 1 SET @future_date = DATEADD(day,1,@future_date)

    select @future_date

  • That is quite similar to what I posted. I would recommend removing the nolock hints. They serve no purpose and run the possibility of making things bad...very bad.


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  • Thanks for setting me in the right direction...

    CREATE TABLE #Holidays (HolidayDate datetime, IsHoliday char(1))

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00.000', 'Y')

    INSERT INTO #Holidays (HolidayDate,IsHoliday) VALUES('2013-03-29 00:00:00.000', 'Y');


    SET @StartDate = '2/15/2013'


    MIN((DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @StartDate), 0) + n))


    LEFT JOIN #Holidays H

    ON HolidayDate = (DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @StartDate), 0) + n)


    HolidayDate IS NULL AND

    DATEPART(WEEKDAY, (DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @StartDate), 0) + n)) NOT IN (7,1)

    DROP TABLE #Holidays

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