Update All columns in table

  • HI ,

    I have table EMP(source), in this i have 5 columns

    we don't know which column was updated in the source

    but i want load to destination table with updated data only

    how to write update statement for this requirement

    plz help me



  • Two ways I know of to do this:

    1. In an UPDATE trigger, you can query UPDATE() function (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187326.aspx) to tell you if the column was SET by the UPDATE statement. Unfortunately, it does not tell you whether it changed or not (but you could test this by comparing the values for INSERTED.column vs. DELETED.column using those pseudo tables.

    2. Use an OUTPUT clause of UPDATE to dump the updated results to a temporary table. I believe you can also reference INSERTED.* and DELETED.* psuedo tables there to dump all columns into the temp table. Then you have to query back from the temp table to see what was changed.

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  • SQL 2008 R2 - Change Tracking may help you...


  • Try this one , It might help ;

    Merge into desttable as target



    select col1, col2,col3,col4,col5 from sourcetable


    select col1, col2,col3,col4,col5 from desttable

    ) as source

    on target.col1=source.col1 -- (use primary key )

    when matched then

    update set target.col1=source.col1,


    when not matched bye target then insert

    (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) values (source.col1,.....)

    merge statement to update or insert or delete the records.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Using merge (as pointed out by demonfox) you can easily user INSERTED.* and DELETED.* (as mentionded by Dwain) after MERGE in order to capture, columns and values which are being updated/inserted/deleted.

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • Lokesh Vij (1/29/2013)

    Using merge (as pointed out by demonfox) you can easily user INSERTED.* and DELETED.* (as mentionded by Dwain) after MERGE in order to capture, columns and values which are being updated/inserted/deleted.

    Yes and Inserted.col1 , Inserted.col2 woudl work for new data updated or inserted ;

    if you are handling delete also in the Merge statement.

    then it gets a little difficult to handle insert , delete and update data .

    As Insert and Update can be captured by Inserted.* ; but the deleted require Deleted.* , and in the merge statement there is only one Output clause allowed.

    In that case you may have to consider using cases by identifying $action property.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Demon correct, but you can use the $Action on the output statement will show the action that was performed for that row of data.

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  • Jason-299789 (1/29/2013)

    Demon correct, but you can use the $Action on the output statement will show the action that was performed for that row of data.

    Exactly Jason ; That ought to be the requirement. This is the formatted code with delete and case statement, not tested , but should work fine..

    CREATE TABLE #author2 (cola VARCHAR(50),colb VARCHAR(50), action_flag VARCHAR(10) )

    CREATE TABLE dbo.author1

    ( cola VARCHAR(50), colb VARCHAR(50) )

    CREATE TABLE dbo.authors

    ( au_fname VARCHAR(100), au_lname VARCHAR(100)


    MERGE INTO authors AS target

    using (SELECT cola,


    FROM author1


    SELECT au_fname,


    FROM authors) AS source

    ON target.au_fname = source.cola

    WHEN matched THEN

    UPDATE SET target.au_lname = source.colb

    WHEN NOT matched BY target THEN

    INSERT (au_fname,




    WHEN NOT matched BY source THEN


    output ( CASE

    WHEN $action = 'DELETE' THEN deleted.au_fname

    ELSE inserted.au_fname

    END )au_fname,

    ( CASE

    WHEN $action = 'DELETE' THEN deleted.au_lname

    ELSE inserted.au_lname

    END )colb,


    INTO #author2;

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

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