Timeout expired in reporting services log

  • We are getting the Time out expired error message in reporting service log file while executing the one report which has huge data.Help me to resolve the issue.



  • Firstly, can you provide more information?

    E.g. How long is the timeout, what is the query (provide SQL), how many rows, an example of the data and the purpose of the report - why is the data so huge?

    Does your report really require huge data?

    I have had situations where detailed reports are required for legally defensible reasons, but that is extremely rare. If you must have a lot of data on the report, you will have to break the report up into chapters and run them separately. You will find that this is not a reporting services issue per se, for example you will run into similar limitations with crystal reports.

    One common issue that people have with reporting services is that they try to bring a huge dataset into the report and then use filters within the report. That is the wrong way to do it, you are better to filter the data in the SQL. Let the SQL engine do the work to optimise and minimise the required dataset.

  • Thanks for your reply. We have table that has 31 million records. Report service will commnunicate with database table and has to display the data.

    We have storeprocedure to filter the data on datewise with timestamp . Some records has null timestamp and report is taking more thane 30 minutes to pull out the records for 1 day.



  • 31 million rows is large but not huge.

    If the stored proc is taking 30 minutes to filter on the date then it sounds like you need to add an index to that table.

  • Thanks for your response. After creating the Indexes on column level now report generates with in 2 minutes.



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