Is there a typo in the openxml part?

  • Did you make a mistake in the openxml example?

    I ask this because you have the following:

    EXEC sp_xml_prepareDocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @Doc

    So now I have to access the xml data using @hdoc right?

    But you do it through @idoc in the following statement.

    FROM Openxml (@iDoc,'//StockMarketData/StockData ')

    You refer the reader to a Microsoft example which is:

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc

    OPENXML (@idoc, '/ROOT/Customer',1)

    So it would seem that your openxml statement should be:

    FROM Openxml (@hdoc,'//StockMarketData/StockData'@iDoc)

    Am I correct or am I missing something because I do not understand how you can access the xml data using

    @idoc which you initialize to a value of 1? Struggling a little with this.

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