sql sever 2005 logshipping

  • i got below issue in the SQL Server 2005 log shipping

    Log Shipping Backup job has failing since 1 week with error message "Disk Space is not enough"

    i have checked Disk Free Space and Log file space but there is no issue with free space of Disk

    Disk Free Space:760 GB

    Log file (single log file) Used space is 91%

    It is Production Database, Database Size: 1 TB

    can you please anyone tell me how to fix this issue ?

  • is 91% of the log file size greater than 760GB?


  • sreenubabu.s (12/28/2012)

    i got below issue in the SQL Server 2005 log shipping

    Log Shipping Backup job has failing since 1 week with error message "Disk Space is not enough"

    i have checked Disk Free Space and Log file space but there is no issue with free space of Disk

    Disk Free Space:760 GB

    Log file (single log file) Used space is 91%

    It is Production Database, Database Size: 1 TB

    can you please anyone tell me how to fix this issue ?

    Please post the results of this query when run against your particular database

    SELECTdf.name AS LogicalFileName

    , ISNULL(fg.name, 'Log') AS FilegroupName

    , physical_name AS PhysicalOSName

    , (df.size * 8 / 1024) AS SizeMBs

    , (FILEPROPERTY(df.name, 'SpaceUsed') / 128) AS SpaceUsedMBs

    , CASE df.growth

    WHEN 0 THEN 'No growth'

    ELSE 'Growth allowed'

    END AS GrowthAllowed

    , CASE

    WHEN df.max_size = -1 THEN 'Unlimited'

    WHEN df.max_size = 268435456 THEN '2TB'

    ELSE CAST(df.max_size / 128 AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' MBs'

    END AS GrowthStats

    , CASE df.is_percent_growth

    WHEN 0 THEN CAST(df.growth / 128 AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' MBs'

    ELSE CAST(df.growth AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' %'

    END AS Growth

    , (df.size * 8 / 1024) - (FILEPROPERTY(df.name, 'SpaceUsed') / 128) AS FreeMBs

    FROM sys.database_files df LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.filegroups fg ON df.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id

    ORDER BY df.type


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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