High availability related issues.

  • Hi guys,

    Logshipping , Mirroring and Replication operate at which level sql server instance level or database level and cluster of sql server worked at which level instance/database ?


  • Saggy (12/26/2012)

    Logshipping , Mirroring and Replication operate at which level sql server instance level or database level

    database level

    Saggy (12/26/2012)

    and cluster of sql server worked at which level instance/database ?

    instance level.

    I am sure that you wont get much help here as it seems kind of homework for others and nobody likes that 😛 thats why you havent got much reponses here.So better use GOOGLE search.

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • thnx.......bhuvnesh

  • Logshipping-db level

    Replication-db level

    Mirroring-db level

    clustering-server level

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