Backups and restores

  • I have 2 SQL Server 2008 environments - Production and Test. Both are on different domains and cannot speak to each other. I've been tasked to update some of the databases in the Test environment with Production data on a weekly basis. Since the domains cannot communicate with one another I need to manually copy a backup to a share and then restore the data in test. However, my issue is that the test environment has logins specific to that environment and get overwritten when I restore the procuction data. Then I have to go back and manually add the test logins and remove the orphaned production ones. Is there a way to just restore the data in the test environment without affecting the logins in the test environment. Thanks

  • Using backup and restore commands no. SQL has to restore the database how it was at the time it was backed up, which means you will always get orphaned accounts and need to add in the test accounts again.

    I would have a job on Test which does the removing adding of users which you just execute every time you restore from Prod.

    If the restore is automated, just need to add this step to the end of the restore command.

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