Unable to open Alerts in SQL Server Agent / Cannot view properties

  • I am unable to open Alerts in SQL Server Agent and Cannot view the properties using GUI.

    Although I am able to create and modify alerts via Script

    It gives me this exception.

    Anybody has any idea ?


    Cannot show requested dialog.


    Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.DefaultLaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.AllocateDialog(XmlDocument initializationXml, IServiceProvider dialogServiceProvider, CDataContainer dc)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.DefaultLaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.ILaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.CreateDialog(XmlDocument initializationXml, IServiceProvider dialogServiceProvider)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.LaunchForm.InitializeForm(XmlDocument doc, IServiceProvider provider, ISqlControlCollection control)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.LaunchForm..ctor(XmlDocument doc, IServiceProvider provider)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer.ToolMenuItemHelper.OnCreateAndShowForm(IServiceProvider sp, XmlDocument doc)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.RunningFormsTable.RunningFormsTableImpl.ThreadStarter.StartThread()


    Failed to create/initialize Agent Alert dialog. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer)


    Cannot create/initialize Response page. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert.AddResponsePage()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer)


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse.RefreshJobComboBoxAndSelectJob(Job currentJob)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse.RefreshJobComboBox()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer, String agentAlertName)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert.AddResponsePage()


  • I had the same problem and found the page below. I had two SSRS Jobs show up with the same name.

    select name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs group by name having count(*) >1


  • Hi there

    Also get the same error, but when running select name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs group by name having count(*) >1 to see if there is any duplicate jobs it shows none.

    Is there any other solution to try?



    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Cannot show requested dialog.



    Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)


    Failed to create/initialize Agent Alert dialog. (SqlManagerUI)


    Cannot create/initialize Response page. (SqlManagerUI)


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (SqlManagerUI)






    Cannot show requested dialog.


    Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.DefaultLaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.AllocateDialog(XmlDocument initializationXml, IServiceProvider dialogServiceProvider, CDataContainer dc)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.DefaultLaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.ILaunchFormHostedControlAllocator.CreateDialog(XmlDocument initializationXml, IServiceProvider dialogServiceProvider)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.LaunchForm.InitializeForm(XmlDocument doc, IServiceProvider provider, ISqlControlCollection control)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.LaunchForm..ctor(XmlDocument doc, IServiceProvider provider)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.ObjectExplorer.ToolMenuItemHelper.OnCreateAndShowForm(IServiceProvider sp, XmlDocument doc)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlMgmt.RunningFormsTable.RunningFormsTableImpl.ThreadStarter.StartThread()


    Failed to create/initialize Agent Alert dialog. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer)


    Cannot create/initialize Response page. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert.AddResponsePage()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer)


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (SqlManagerUI)


    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse.RefreshJobComboBoxAndSelectJob(Job currentJob)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse.RefreshJobComboBox()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlertResponse..ctor(CDataContainer dataContainer, String agentAlertName)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.AgentAlert.AddResponsePage()

  • Got the solution which might work for you as well.

    In my case there were few job categories (specified in the jobs ) but missing in msdb..syscategories tables.

    Either you can add the missing category to the table or change the job category.

    This is not the only solution for that problem but it is one of the solutions.


  • Thanks Musab - your suggestion lead me to a change that I made a few months ago.

    I added this in msdb..sp_help_category stored proc to not show all our ReportServer subscriptions in SQL Server Agent - as there is a lot.

    --Start Of SSRS Subscriptions

    SET @where_clause += N'




    name = ''Report Server''

    AND (

    SELECT program_name

    FROM sys.sysprocesses

    where spid = @@spid) = ''Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio'' THEN 0

    ELSE 1

    END = 1 '

    --End Of SSRS Subscriptions

    -- Execute the query EXECUTE (@cmd + @where_clause + N'ORDER BY category_type, name')

    I comment it and I was able to access the Alerts again.

    Is there maybe an alternative to not show the SSRS subscriptions in SQL Server Agent? What i am doing now is just to comment that part to create a few alerts and then uncomment it again to not show all the subscriptions.

  • With a SQL-2014 instance, SSMS alert object would not open, etc. and gen'd the same errors.

    In my case, there were jobs in the related table that were not being displayed under SS-Agent in object explorer.

    After deleting what I called 'orphaned' job_ids, all worked well, and happiness existed once again.

  • richard.willemain - Wednesday, September 7, 2016 7:44 AM

    With a SQL-2014 instance, SSMS alert object would not open, etc. and gen'd the same errors. In my case, there were jobs in the related table that were not being displayed under SS-Agent in object explorer.After deleting what I called 'orphaned' job_ids, all worked well, and happiness existed once again.

    Do you know why they were not showing up?  I would like to know how they were orphaned.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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